ToDoLy is a todo list application. The application allow an user to create new tasks, assign them a title and due date and a project for that task to belong to. ToDoLy use a text based user interface via the command-line. Once they are using the application, the user should be able to also edit, mark as done or remove tasks. They can also quit and save the current task list to file, and then restart the application with the former state restored.
The solution must achieve the following requirements: Model a task with a task title, due date, status and project Display a collection of tasks that can be sorted both by date and project Support the ability to add, edit, mark as done, and remove tasks Support a text-based user interface Load and save task list to file
Check the class diagram
First draft of project --- (Mar 9 2020)
Draft Main class --- (Mar 10 2020)
Improvement Task class
Add description of project to
Add MVC model (Service)
Add Feature to write/read file (Repository) --- (Mar 13, 2020 - Mar 14, 2020)
Add structure for TaskList
Refactory ToDoLyRepository class (Mar 14, 2020 - Mar 22, 2020)
Refactory Model to new structure TodoList and Task
Add Feature edit task
Add solution to "mark as done"
Add solution to remove task (Mar 23 2020)
Build Unit Tests to ToDoLyService and ToDoLyRepository classes --- (Mar 24, 2020–Mar 25, 2020)
Build Javadoc
Add Feature to sort the To Do list by date or project (Mar 26, 2020)
Update class diagram
Instructions to run a local copy for development and tests purposes. Deployment notes show how to run the application as a standalone.
All dependencies are mentioned in build.gradle
Install java 13
Install gradle 6.1
To build the project:
gradle clean build
gradle run
Sample Output:
***** Welcome do ToDoLy *****
You have 0 tasks todo and 0 tasks are done!
Pick an option:
(1) Show Task List(by date or project)
(2) Add New Task
(3) Edit Task(update, mark as done, remove)
(4) Save and Quit
User can add, edit, remove and save the task in a To Do List choosen an option from the menu.
Sample Output Show Task List:
**** ToDoLy - Task List ****
Task number: 0 Task Title: test Due date: 03/24/2020 Project: groceries is Done: false
Task number: 1 Task Title: new task Due date: 03/25/2020 Project: ip sda is Done: false
To run test:
gradle test
The test report will be available in {projectRoot}/build/reports/tests/test/index.html
Execute below command to get an executable jar file under project {projectRoot}/build/libs folder
gradle clean build
Execute below command to execute as java application from {projectRoot}/build/libs location
java -jar todoly.jar
Gradle - Dependency Management
Jackson - Json processor for Java
Denise Muniz - Initial work - dendenmuniz