Simple reading from and writing to InfluxDB v2 .
Create a Tables.jl object, e.g., a DataFrame. The Table needs to have a column "timestamp" and "measurement". Columns with names that start with "f_" will be used as fields ("f_" is removed before writing), and columns starting with "t_" are used as tags ("t_" is removed).
org = ...
token = ...
influx = Client_v2("http://localhost:8086", org, token)
data = DataFrame(Dict("measurement"=>["MyMeasurement" for i = 1:2], "timestamp" => [now(UTC)-Second(1), now(UTC)], "f_somefield" => [1.0, 2.0]))
writetable(influx, "MyBucket", data)
org = ...
token = ...
influx = Client_v2("http://localhost:8086", org, token)
linep = "mymeasurement somefield=1.0 1638004387370
mymeasurement somefield=2.0 1638004388378"
writelineprotocol(influx, "MyBucket", linep; precision = :ms)
Queries return a DataFrame for each table in the response. Two possibilities for queries
does not require the flux language but is quite limited. Returns a dataframe for each field, grouped by field and sorted by time.- writing a flux query string and using
org = ...
token = ...
influx = Client_v2("http://localhost:8086", org, token)
# A query
bucket = "testbucket"
measurement = "mymeasurement"
fields = ["somefield", "anotherfield"]
utcfrom = now(UTC)-Day(2)
utcto = now(UTC)
dataframes = simplequery(influx, bucket, measurement, fields, (utcfrom, utcto); tags = ["sometag"=>"TagValue"])
# The same query using the flux language
querystring = "from(bucket: \"testbucket\")
|>range(start: $(Dates.format(now(UTC)-Day(2), "yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS.sZ")), stop: $(Dates.format(now(UTC), "yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS.sZ")))
|>filter(fn: (r) => r[\"_measurement\"] == \"mymeasurement\")
|>filter(fn: (r) =>r[\"_field\"] == \"somefield\" or r[\"_field\"] == \"anotherfield\")
|>filter(fn: (r) =>r[\"sometag\"] == \"TagValue\")
|>drop(columns: [\"_measurement\", \"_start\", \"_stop\"])
|>group(columns: [\"_field\"], mode: \"by\")
|>sort(columns: [\"_time\"])"
dataframes = fluxquery(influx, querystring)