DataType: Property picker- done- just like how macro property picker work
Events Widget
- with downloadable .ics. this is based on http://www.vissit.com/projects/eventCalendar/
DataType: Notes- done- like uComponent Notes (is it possible to not add it as a DB entry in umbraco? it takes up DB space for something not needed to be saved multiple times)
- use built in markdown umbraco so we don't have to introduce a new .js library just for this.
- hide toolbar. use ng-hide. cannot find documentation for hiding bar
DataType: Autogenerate
- random guid, random number, incremental number (do we really need this?)
DataType: Create (readonly) value- done- Readonly string we can use that can hold values that is applicable to all pages. E.g. css-classes. This has to be taken into a lot of consideration because at the beginning it will create this value in all pages. Then if updated, it also updates all. Uses alias DTCustomCreateValue. Please do not confuse with DTCustomReadonly
DataType: Textbox with maxlength- done- Textbox with maxlength, isrequired and regex validation
Place project as umbraco package.
- (Create actual data type entry in .cs so users dont have to create it.)
- DataType: Create (Readonly) type. This has to be used with careful consideration. Please read info above
- DataType: Customized textbox with maxlength
- DataType: Property Picker
- DataType: Notes