My own modifications to Sullien's great – and, now, defunct – Future Expansion for Unciv.
This customization is based on and requires Future Expansion Continued, my continuation of Sullien's mod.
As such, it is intended for use with the Gods & Kings ruleset.
This mod is still a WiP and limited by my currently restricted knowledge of Unciv and the original expansion mod.
I can't guarantee its stability or usability in-game.
I'll do my best to address any received feedback.
Thanks in advance for your patience, tolerance and interest. 🙏🏻
Inspired by the awesome Mlie . 🙂
- This is a modification of an existing mod.
- I claim no ownership of the original mod.
- The original author is free to use this mod to update their own.
- Since I did not create the original mod, I will not accept donations for this mod of a mod.
I intend to add much more to this mod-of-a-mod than simply customizations of the original content, although I'm not done with that, yet.
After a lot of playtesting, I'd designed a partial restructuring of the specialized, mutually-excluding resource hubs. However, I've since lost access to the HDD I had this on. 🤦♂️
I'll get back to it ASAI've regained access to my old HDD or I've played enough to recreate what I'd done – whichever comes first.
Now, for my other ideas:
Some of them come from the great Future Worlds mod for Civ V (which I'd wager was one of Sullien's inspirations), some from other Civ V mods, some from Sullien's own unreleased next version of Future Expansion, some from interesting ideas in sci-fi and futurism and some from my own ideas while playing the game.
What I've thought up, so far:
- Buildings:
- Other energy plants, including Tidal and Geothermal Plants.
- Battery Bank.
- Genetic Bank.
- Gen-Editing Facility.
- Space Beacon.
- Central Mainframe.
- Geodesical Garden.
- Vertical Farm.
- Myco-Tank.
- Protein Vat.
- Several buildings from Sullien's unreleased next version, including Faculties and Breakthroughs.
- Improvements:
- Maglev Rails.
- Living Fortresses.
- Deep Mines.
- Nature Preserves.
- Hamlets.
- Villages.
- Towns.
- Suburbs.
- Units:
- Worker Bots.
- Coast Guard.
- Snipers.
- Great Architects.
- Power Armour Infantry.
- Railgun Tanks.
- Stealth Destroyers and Stealth Battleships.
- More genetically-engineered creatures, including Stealth Seekers (cat-like Seekers), Seeker Drones (bird-like Seekers), dinosaurs, ambulant fungi, dragons and other pseudo-mythical creatures and maybe more.
- Zombie Mutants.
- Super Soldiers.
- Orbital Drones.
- Make Orbital Strikes a Unit Type, including Orbital Shots, Orbital Lasers, Convergence Deathrays, Stellaser Strikes and Void Bombs.
- Other aliens, including Xenomorphs, Yautja (predators), Saya-jins, Namekusei-jins, Zergs, Arachnids (from Starship Troopers), Green Martians (from the Barsoom novels), Skrulls, Gauna, Krogans, Daleks, Cylons, Sith Lords, Borgs and maybe more.
- National Wonders:
- Super Mainframe.
- Megabattery
- Underground Colony.
- Space Stations, including Earth's orbit, Earth-Moon Lagrangian points, Sun-Earth Lagrangian points and maybe more.
- Arcology.
- Underwater Colony.
- Orbital guns, including Orbital Coilgun, Orbital Laser, Focal Mirrors, Stellaser and Matter Aggregator.
- Wonders:
- Borehole.
- The Eye in the Sky.
- Humanity Vault.
- Space Ark.
- Space Elevator.
- Generational Spaceship.
- Space Colonies, including the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Ceres, Europa, Io, Ganymede, Callisto, Pluto and maybe more.
- Bishop Ring.
- Space Missions with varied destinies, including Ringworld, Rama, a Dyson sphere, Alpha Centauri, V'Ger, a wormhole, a neutron star, a blackhole's event horizon and maybe more.
- Space Drive.
- First Contacts, including Vulcans, Asogians, Minbari, Protoss, Asari and maybe more.
- Death Star.
- Artificial Sun.
- Artificial Black Hole.
- Artificial Wormhole.
I plan on holding polls on Discord to decide on what to work next.
Keep in mind some of these ideas depend on as-of-yet unavailable modding features (But, hey, we can dream, right? 😉).
I'm, also, very much open to suggestions! 🙂
Rifleman and its equivalents (Carolean, Mehal Sefari and Norwegian Ski Infantry) now upgrade to Great War Infantry, provided GP-Great War perk is adopted.
- Caravel now upgrades to Privateer.
- Privateer now upgrades to Ironclad.
- Barbarians now have access to Ironclads.
Everything now appears in Civilopedia.
Removed code comments.
- Solar Plant can now be built.
- Units:
- Obervation Balloon is now available earlier, once Chemistry is researched.
- Renamed Orbital Jet to Orbital Fighter.
- Increased Drone's movement from 3 to 4, to make it faster than Observation Balloon.
- Completed military units' upgrade trees:
- Modern Armor now upgrades to Hovertank (Provided GP-Hovercombat perk is adopted.).
- Rocket Artillery now upgrades to Hovertillery (Provided GP-Hovercombat perk is adopted.).
- Mobile SAM now upgrades to Hover-SAM (Provided GP-Hovercombat perk is adopted.).
- Mechanized Infantry now upgrades to Energy Infantry (Provided GP-Energy Weapons perk is adopted.).
- Helicopter Gunship now upgrades to Future Copter (Provided GP-Energy Weapons perk is adopted.).
- Carrier now upgrades to Orbital Carrier (Provided GP-Energy Weapons perk is adopted.).
- Jet Fighter now upgrades to Orbital Fighter (Provided GP-Space Combat perk is adopted.).
- Jet Bomber now upgrades to Stealth Bomber (Provided GP-Stealth Operatives perk is adopted.).
- Stealth Bomber now upgrades to Orbital Bomber (Provided GP-Space Combat perk is adopted.).
- Stealth Bomber now requires Aluminum, instead of Oil.
- Hacker now upgrades to Stealth Hacker (Provided GP-Stealth Operatives perk is adopted.).
- Stealth Hacker now upgrades to Monolith Brainiac (Provided Monolith Portal has been built.).
- Refurbished uniques and promotions:
- Observation Balloon and Drone now have the Intel promotion, which consolidates the following uniques:
- +1 Range to adjacent [Siege] Units
- "[+33]% Strength bonus for [Siege] units within [1] tiles"
- "[+1] Sight"
- "Ignores Zone of Control"
- Hovertank, Hovertillery and Hover-SAM now have the Hovering promotion, which consolidates the following uniques:
- "[+50]% Strength <vs [Land] units>"
- "All tiles cost 1 movement"
- "May travel on Water tiles without embarking"
- "Can enter ice tiles"
- Observation Balloon, Drone, Helicopter Gunship, Future Copter, Orbital Carrier, UFO and Monolith UFO now have the Flying promotion, which consolidates the following uniques:
- "No defensive terrain bonus"
- "All tiles cost 1 movement"
- "May travel on Water tiles without embarking"
- "Can enter ice tiles"
- Additionally, Orbital Carriers' In Orbit promotion now contains the following uniques:
- "Can pass through impassable tiles"
- Observation Balloon and Drone now have the Intel promotion, which consolidates the following uniques: