Relimetrics Task Assignment
This project controls execution of tasks running as parallel jobs. At the program startup, the task manager ask the input parameter N. N defines the number of jobs that task manager assign to job IDs. Task manager assign each job to unique job ID. Task manager ask a command and N, until user enter a valid command and N is provided in a valid format.
The manager run within a console application and accept control commands from a command prompt.
Application input: N – number of jobs to run.
Control commands:
• status – returns ids and status of all registered jobs.
----> The job status can be one of the following: idle/running/paused/aborted
• start <id> - starts job with the given id
• abort <id> - aborts execution of a job with the given id
• pause <id> - halts execution of a job with the given id
• resume <id> - resumes execution of a halted job
• quit – aborts all running jobs and quits the application
Also, N defines the number of ID. Used same number of ID and ID numbers only can be between 1 and N because some jobs can assign same ID multiple times and some ID status must indicate "Idle" status.
--> If user select number of jobs : 5 --> Number of id assign automatically 5 ;
ID1 -> 1
ID2 -> 2
ID3 -> 3
ID4 -> 4
ID5 -> 5
If user did not assign any job to some ID, their status observe as an Idle.
⚠️ If you enter commands except status and quit command: You need valid job ID.
⚠️ Do not enter a value over 1000 for N: Max number of jobs is 1000.