Eatr is a food ordering application that uses Twilio to connect customers to the restaurant. Customers can visit the Eatr site to order food and receive a text to confirm their order and when their order is available for pickup. The restaurant will receive a call when an order is placed which reads out the order and allows the restaurant to confirm or reject the order.
Setup Your Postgress DB to start:
- From terminal:
psql -U vagrant -d template1
- Then set up a new user and table
CREATE ROLE labber with LOGIN password 'labber';
THEN start working with your cloned repository:
- Install dependencies:
npm i
- Fix to binaries for sass:
npm rebuild node-sass
- Run migrations:
npm run knex migrate:latest
- Run the seed:
npm run knex seed:run
- To use in a development environment, you'll need to download and instal Ngrok from
- Initialize your ngrok instance by starting the program with
./ngrok http 8080
- Follow ngrok docs to init to this port. - You'll need to sign up for a Twilio trial account at and create a phone number.
- Update the
file with your correct local information that you set up for your database, your ngrok URL, and twilio API info/phone, and your restaurant phone number. Change the file name to just.env
- Run the server:
npm run local
- Visit
- Test that ngrok is also working by visiting your Ngrok URL.
- Body-parser
- Dotenv
- Ejs
- Express
- Knex
- Knex-logger
- Morgan
- Node-sass-middleware
- Pg
- Sweet Alert
- Twilio
- No logic to handle invalid inputs from Restaurant
- No logic to handle hangups from Restaurant
- No sanitization or standardization of input text and name from user
- Cart does not clear if user hits the back button after submitting an order
- No ability to reject an order
HAL 9000
has injected himself into our system and taken it over on the phone call.- No web response to user when an restaurant has accepted an order, only by SMS.
- No logic to handle an undelivered SMS with pickup time. (eg, user is using a landline.)
- Payment processing
- Login/Reg
- Notes from the user
- Customization of order
- Web notification of acceptance
- Ability for restaurant to see a list of orders previously made
- Ability to reject an order
- Ability for restaurant to change menu items
- Ability for restaurant to see and accept orders incoming from a web interface