Engineering degree thesis/project for the title of "Ingeniero en Informatica", Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Santa Fe, Argentina).
Originally used two cameras + one DLP projector to get more precission, but I'm trying to add a calibration wizard to use it with one camera + one projector, to make it easier/simpler for home-use.
There's a plugin for OpenCV, so any webcam that works with OpenCV should work too. On Linux & macOS you can also use the libgphoto2 plugin.
There are also a lot of plugins that (used to) make it work with a lot of different cameras, mostly industrial GigE or USB cameras, but since I don't have access to them anymore, they are not tested/enabled anymore. Contact me if you have a camera from:
We assume you already have a suitable C++ compiler and Qt installed (at least version 5.6).
You'll also need some libraries:
- OpenCV (tested with version 3.4.1)
For the point cloud viewer you might also want to include, optionally:
- PCL (tested with version 1.8.1)
All the dependencies can be obtained via homebrew. A Brewfile is included so just run:
brew update && brew bundle
Since there are no official binaries from VTK and PCL you can build everything using vcpkg. It greatly simplifies the task, trust me.
vcpkg install opencv:x64-windows
vcpkg install pcl:x64-windows
If you have vcpkg
installed at C:\Tools\vcpkg\
then there's nothing else to do. If you have it
somewhere else you'll have to update all the include and lib paths.
To run the applications you also need to add the binaries (*.dll) to the PATH
Open the Projects tab in the left toolbar of QtCreator and go to the Build (or Run) configurations.
In the environment variables, add to the PATH
the folder where you have the third party binaries.
You should use the Batch Edit button to make it easier. In that case:
- for a release (or profile) build you would add:
- for a debug build you would add:
It's really important that you add only the ones corresponding to the build configuration you're currently trying to build/run!
For Linux and other Windows setups you will have to update the paths so Qt can find each library to
compile/link/run the application. Check the *.pri
files in the 3rdparty folder.
To run the 3D scanner app, just open the Qt Creator project file
You'll need a configuration file, there's none included right now so it will NOT just work. Contact me if you need help.
To run the stereo calibration app, open the Qt Creator project file