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derdon edited this page Mar 27, 2013 · 1 revision

There is one *Config constructor I haven't talked about yet: NewConfig() *Config. It takes no parameters and returns a new empty config. An error is never returned; the only returned value is a pointer to the created Config.

The method AddSection(section string) error adds a new section to the config. If the passed section already exists, DuplicateSectionError will be returned and the old section will not be overwritten.

RemoveSection(section string) error removes the given section from the config if it exists. Otherwise, NoSectionError will be returned.

Set(section, property, value) adds a new property / value pair to a section or overwrites the property with the given value if it already exists. If the section does not exist, NoSectionError is returned.

RemoveProperty(section, property string) removes the given property from the section if both the section and the property exist. If the section does not exist, NoSectionError is returned. If the property does not exist, NoPropertyError is returned.

This commented example demonstrates the creation of an empty config and how to add and remove section and properties. Finally, the config is written to standard output via fmt.Println. Of course, you can also print the config to a file. You can get the content with fmt.Sprint(conf) or conf.String()

package main

import "fmt"

import ""

func main() {
	// create a new empty config
	conf := ini.NewConfig()
	// add a section
	conf.AddSection("my little section")
	// and another
	conf.AddSection("temporary section")
	// ... and remove it
	conf.RemoveSection("temporary section")
	// create a new property and initialise it with a value
	conf.Set("my little section", "temp property", "temp value")
	// ... and remove it
	conf.RemoveProperty("my little section", "temp property")
	// config now only contains the section "my little section" and no items
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