This is a simple NodeJS server.
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that executes JavaScript code outside of a browser (server-side). Documentation:
npm is a package manager for the Node.js platform. Documentation:
- make sure you have NodeJS and npm installed
- clone the repository
- move to the directory and run
npm install
to install all the dependencies - launch the server with
npm start
(ctrl+c to stop it) - server is running on port 5050
server allows all origins (CORS)
server allows all HTTP methods
visit http://localhost:5050 to getting welcome message :
Hello World!
server allows you to access the API with the following endpoints:
GET list of items : http://localhost:5050/api/items
GET item by id : http://localhost:5050/api/items/1 (params: {id: 1})
POST a new item : http://localhost:5050/api/items (body: {name: "new name", price: 10, category: "new category"})
PATCH an item : http://localhost:5050/api/items/1 (body: {name: "new name", &|| price: 10, &|| category: "new category"})
DELETE an item : http://localhost:5050/api/items/1 (params: {id: 1})
GET list of posts : http://localhost:5050/api/posts (data fetch from api)
GET list of laptops : http://localhost:5050/api/laptops (query: {catgeory: "all" || "linux-laptops" || "mini-computers" || "accessories"}) (data fetch from web scraping technique with jsdom library)
All the routes are defined in index.js file. Code uses ES6 syntax. Code is commented with JSDoc style.
Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications. Documentation:
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. Documentation: