The goal of this excercise is to deploy the CAP service to the Kyma runtime. This comprises three parts:
- A deployment of the CAP service as a pod in Kyma
- A service to expose the CAP service as a network service
- An API rule that exposes the CAP service endpoints to the internet
When exposing the CAP service we want to achieve that:
- The orders service should require the application's User scope due to the definition of srv/orders-service.cds. This requires the use of the Destination service to provide a token exchange.
- The external endpoint of the service is accessible to all
The deplyoment is declaratively defined in the deployment.yaml file. Depending on the previous setup choose the desired method for deployment. If the relating job 'cap-orders-service' was configured within the SAP CICD service then only the configuration of the helm chart is necessary, otherwise either the steps 7.2 - DEPLOYMENT OPTION 2 - kubectl or 7.3 - DEPLOYMENT OPTION 3 - Helm need to be followed.
To achive this we first need to make sure that the Docker image that we will build is deployed to the right registry:
- Open the file /resources/service/Dockerfile and replace {your-docker-account} with your Docker account id
- Save the changes
Now we have three options to trigger the deployment of the service that we outline in the next sections.
In order to trigger the deployment via the SAP CICD service execute the following steps:
- Open the file /resources/db/helm/cap-orders-service/values.yaml and replace {your-docker-account} with your Docker account id
- Save the changes
- Commit and push the changes to your GitHub repository
The push to your GitHub repository will trigger the SAP CICD service to start working on the pipeline.
In order to trigger the deployment via kubectl execute the following steps:
Open the file /resources/service/deployment.yaml and replace the value of {your-docker-account} with your Docker account id
Save the changes
Build and push the Docker container of your CAP service via
docker build -t {your-docker-account}/cap-orders-service -f ./resources/service/Dockerfile . docker push {your-docker-account}/cap-orders-service
Apply the deployment.yaml file via kubectl. This generates the deployment, the service and the API Rule in one go.
kubectl -n cap apply -f ./resources/service/deployment.yaml
In order to trigger the deployment via Helm execute the following steps:
Open the file /resources/db/helm/cap-orders-service/values.yaml and replace {your-docker-account} with your Docker account id
Save the changes
Install the Helm chart via
helm install cap-orders-service ./resources/db/helm/cap-orders-service -n cap
The service will be accessible now via the url https://cap-orders-service.<cluster url>
You can check also check settings of the API rule in the Kyma console. Navigate to the cap namespace. From there goto the Discovery and Network -> API Rules
The rule has the name cap-orders-service
🎉 Congratulations - You've now successfully deployed the CAP service to Kyma and exposed it via an API rule.
Continue to - Exercise 8 - CONFIGURE LAUNCHPAD