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Welcome to the pyffmpeg wiki!

pyffmpeg Wiki


Import pyffmpeg

from pyffmpeg import FFmpeg


Convert from one format or codec to other (FFmpeg works with most codecs out there).

inp = 'path/to/music_folder/f.mp4'
out = 'path/to/music_folder/f.mp3'

ff = FFmpeg()
output_file = ff.convert(inp, out)


pyffmpeg ships with its own FFmpeg executable, but it has only one prebuilt function, the convert function. So if you would like to do anything else you should use the options function and pass in all the values just as you would on command prompt except the FFmpeg path itself. For instance, if you would write this on the command prompt:

> ffmpeg -i /path/to/video.mp4 -vf scale -1:720 /path/to/video_hd.mp4

You should do:

ff = FFmpeg()
ff.options("-i /path/to/video.mp4 -vf scale -1:720 /path/to/video_hd.mp4")

avoiding ffmpeg command and overwrite command.

Advanced Usage

from pyffmpeg import FFmpeg

Use a global directory to store all converted files

ff = FFmpeg('path/to/app_folder')
ff.convert('path/to/music_folder/f.mp3', 'f.wav')

Overwrite (Default is set to True)

ff.overwrite = False # do not overwrite but exit immediately

Get ffmpeg executable

In case you want to use pyffmpeg with another library which gives you more functions and you have to provide an ffmpeg executable. Use the get_ffmpeg_bin function. It returns the full path to our ffmpeg executable.

ff = FFmpeg()
ffmpeg_exe = ff.get_ffmpeg_bin()