1) Generate cylon server
1. open Ollie-competition/Server-Cylon-Generator
2. You should edit (or create) droids.txt
text file
You should write there all droids that you want connect to the server. Supported droids are ollie and bb8.
Be aware, on deploying server chechks connection to all droids and it wouldn't start if at least one droid missed.
+ each line contains info about exectly one droid (document shouldn't contains empty lines)
+ line starts with droid type (ollie/bb8)
+ after type 1 or more spaces
+ after spaces MAC address
Example: ollie D8:E3:8C:77:D0:5D
3. execute java program (ServerCylonGenerator is main class)
4. output: cylon-server-generated.js
**2) Copy/past generated `cylon-server-generated.js` to `NodeJs-Server/Cylon` folder** **!** do not try to install node modules via `npm install`, because some modules a bit modified.
**3) Execute** `cylon-server-generated.js`
open terminal
sudo node server-cylon.js
wait (about 10-20 sec) until you see in console:
[Robot 1] - Starting devices.
[Robot 1] - Working.
**4) Execute java web server (OllieCompetition)**
- open OllieCompetition folder
- edit
file - execute OllieCompetition project