The aim of this example is to provide a small guide for implementing realtime notifications based on redis and (with node.js)
Client that pushes notifications -> Redis -> Node.js/ -> User browser
In the project folder install and node redis client:
npm install
Start the redis database:
$ redis-server
Start the push notifications server:
$ node ./server.js
Start the client node server:
$ cd ./test-client
$ node ./client.js
Open a browser and go to, enter the id that you want and we are ready to push some notifications.
Open a redis client:
$ redis-cli
And with this key push:notifications:[ID] we publish messages into redis.
$ PUBLISH "push:notifications:devinterface" "Yeah, a new amazing notification!"
So all the published messages in the appropiate redis channels, will be pushed to the user browser in realtime :)
Now we should see the message Yeah, a new amazing notification! in the message list