Cric Auction is a platform designed to simulate cricket player auctions. It is currently used annually by a few colleges in the Pune region of Maharashtra, India.
This is the third revision of this platform. It offers many features, including player and team data management, team evaluation based on provided metrics, security through a simple authentication system, and real-time updates with MQTT service, among others.
- Auction authentication with session management
- Custom players dataset and default dataset option
- Stats display for the teams
- Realtime updates for all the auction screens
- Automatic metric evaluation based on provided rules
Backend Github Repo - Click Here
Fork both front-end and backend repos.
Build env files according to the instructions given in each repo
Build and run each repo by configuring the project as given in run locally section
To configure the env file for project please take a look at .env.sample file in the repo
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd cric-front
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm run dev
Used to host simulated cricket player auction in college fest.
click here to see the feedback received from organizers (First login with any google account to see the feedbacks)
Bhuvanesh Bonde