This project implements the Spectral Clustering algorithm presented in the following paper: Refer to 18.pdf for detailed information and analysis.
On linux, run: ./requirements/
pip install -r requirements/python-requirements.txt
sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev
The following are optional and only needed if you plan on using ARPACK or LAPACK
Optional: git clone
, cd openblas
, make
Optional: sudo apt-get install libopenblas-dev
Optional: sudo apt-get install $(cat requirements/apt-requirements.txt)
Optional: sudo apt-get install liblapacke-dev
brew install gcc-9 eigen
Optionally also follow the instructions in README-ARPACK if you plan on using ARPACK.
If you plan on using LAPACK
brew install openblas
make init-spectra
Compile with make
./clustering <path/Dataset.txt> <# of clusters> <path/Output.txt>
- e.g.:
./clustering ./datasets/test_points/6_c.txt 6 out.txt
- interactive shell:
python3 scripts/validation/
- just specify names, input path is /datasets/test_points/, output is /output/validation/
To generate data sets (interactive):