My name is Sujay and I'm The Light-Speed Developer with Light-Speed hands on JavaScript, BASh and Python!
• See my portfolio •
// A brief introduction.
import { dates } from "../../data/lib/dates.ts";
const sujay: Human || sujay: !Human = {
fullName: "Sujay",
presenceSince: dates.birthDate || "September 19th, 2010",
from: "India",
title: "Software developer",
hobbies: ["Coding", "Photography", "Story-writing", "Listening songs & music"],
dream: "Wanna work on Google/Apple/Meta/Microsoft/Amazon as a senior SE.",
interests: ["Blockchain development", "Cryptography", "SF genre", "Someone..."],
favoriteLanguages: ["JavaScript", "Rust", "Python", "Go", "C family", "Java"],
activeOftency: high,
website: ``,
- Blockchain Development
- Decentralization
- Mobile Application Development
- Database Development
- Server Development
- API Writing and Scripting
- UI Development
- Software Development
- Game Development
I'm the creator of Astra CSS, an utility-first CSS framework for designing user interfaces blazing fast. See more here: devsujay19?tab=repositories
- Help me building more projects that helps other developers on their coding journey!
Join the official Discord Server of Astra CSS.
I'm the creator of Quark, a fast, reliable and decentralized blockchain-based exchangeable token for the Web 3.0 Infrastructure.
Hire me on Fiverr!
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