A lightweight Map for {N} I wanted a fast low memory consuption Map after {N} Mapbox chewed most of memory on device, leaflet https://leafletjs.com/ is where Mapbox was born from :). i am using webview interface https://github.com/shripalsoni04/nativescript-webview-interface to have the Map communicate with {N} and catch events as if the Map were a Native View, Also am using App.js https://github.com/devyaz/app as a Map View framework, you can use Vue or Angular if you like, App.js is no longer maintained but works excellently, i used it in my Cordova days. just remenber to give credit where its due when you want to improve it or convert it into a plugin
git clone https://github.com/devyaz/NativeScript-Leaflet-Map.git
cd NativeScript-Leaflet-Map
then install
install requirements first
tns install
Then run the app
tns run android/ios //this will build then run the app
You want to be in app/www/
to change/edit the Map, it's an HTML Map in a webview Really!!
please use your Mapbox token line 56 in app/www/index.html
//Declare the Map and setting up zoom level(6)
var map = L.map('map').setView([latt, langg], 6);
//declare the popup
var popup = L.popup();
//Add the map tiles and map type(id)
L.tileLayer('https://api.tiles.mapbox.com/v4/{id}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=YOUR-MAPBOX-ACCESS_TOKEN-HERE', {
maxZoom: 18,
id: 'mapbox.streets'
//Now Load the amp with an animation
map.flyTo([latt, langg], 14,'animate');
//Declare a Marker and bind a popup that will open the details page about this location
var littleton = L.marker([-15.80908, 35.01369] ).bindPopup('<div id="1" class="app-section" onclick="App.load(\'detail\',product[1])"><p class="w3-blue w3-container"><b>Stooge\'s Taxi</b></p></div>').openPopup()
Let me know how it goes!