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Releases: dewenni/ESP_Buderus_KM271


27 Apr 11:08
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what's new

this is a minor update of the major release 4.0.0
For further details of the major release, see release v4.0.0

new footer bar

there is a new footer bar indicates that reading data from the Logamatic is active after restart

feature-request: set Logamatic time with NTP automatically after power loss

I have added a feature-request that the ntp time of the ESP is automatically send to the Logamatic after restart of the ESP.
This can be activated in the "date and time" settings.

add further pushover commands

{"ESP hat neu gestartet!", "ESP has been restarted!"}
{"Heizung hat in Sommerbetrieb gewechselt ☀️", "Heating has changed to summer mode ☀️"}
{"Heizung hat in Winterbetrieb gewechselt ❄️", "Heating has changed to winter mode ❄️"}
{"Heizkreis 2 hat in Sommerbetrieb gewechselt ☀️","Heating Circuit 2 has changed to summer mode ☀️"}
{"Heizkreis 2 hat in Winterbetrieb gewechselt ❄️","Heating Circuit 2 has changed to winter mode ❄️"}
{"Heizung hat in Frostmodus gewechselt ❄️", "Heating has changed to frost mode ❄️"}
{"Heizkreis 2 hat in Frostmodus gewechselt ❄️", "Heating Circuit 2 has changed to frost mode ❄️"}
{"Heizung hat den Frostmodus verlassen ❄️", "Heating has exited frost mode ❄️"}
{"Heizkreis 2 hat den Frostmodus verlassen ❄️", "Heating Circuit 2 has exited frost mode ❄️"}

and in addition there is als a message when the ESP receives a mqtt or webUI command


  • add "receiving data" footer bar - indicates that reading data from the Logamatic is active
  • feature-request: set Logamatic time with NTP automatically after power loss #87
  • add further Pushover Info Messages #92
  • fix handling special characters from user input #94
  • fix description of Setup-Mode #96


19 Apr 17:59
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what's new

this is a minor bugfix version of the major release 4.0.0
For further details of the major release, see release v4.0.0


  • add internal restart reasons (ota-update, mqtt-command, telnet-command, webUI, lost WiFi connection, lost mqtt connection)
  • change format of burner runtime in webUI to years, days, hours, minutes
  • fix gpio templates in webUI settings #86
  • fix mqtt command language setting #90


13 Apr 08:21
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what's new

this is a minor bugfix version of the major release 4.0.0
For further details of the major release, see release v4.0.0


  • bugfix value of virtual oil meter #85
  • bigfix HC1_HeatingForwardActualTemp (was the same as HC1_HeatingForwardTargetTemp)
  • bugfix of ntp enable switch in settings section
  • add automatically reconnect of SSE connection #84
  • update to bblanchon/ArduinoJson @7.0.4
  • fix warnings in OneWire Library


07 Apr 19:54
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what's new

this is a minor bugfix version of the major release 4.0.0
For further details of the major release, see release v4.0.0


  • bugfix Refresh issue of operation mode #48
  • improve input behavior of pushover test message and oil meter set value #83
  • bugfix oil meter value on dashboard #83


05 Apr 17:18
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what's new

This major Update brings a completely new web frontend 🎉
Instead of previous that was based on ESPUI-Library, the new one is build on basic html, css and javascript.
Also the communication between server and client has changed from websocket to SSE (Server-Sent Events) and Fetch-API.

The new webUI Desktop style:
(Desktop Version)

and in fact that the new WebUI has responsive design, it offers also a mobile layout:

(Mobile Version)

Messaging option - Pushover

There is now the possibility to get messages via Pushover.
Depending on the parameter "Filter", you can define what kind of messages you want to receive.
In the settings you can find all necessary parameters to setup the client.

Each application, service, or utility that sends notifications through Pushover's API needs to have its own API token which uniquely identifies all of the API requests that it makes.
API tokens are free and can be registered through Pushover website.



There is also a new log function with which you can record various messages depending on the filter and display them via the WebUI. This can be useful for your own debugging and also for the further development of the software.



In addition to the WebUI and MQTT, there is also a new Telnet interface to communicate with the ESP.
The interface offers several commands to read out information and send commands.
An overview of the commands can be called up using the "help" command.
To connect, a simple Telnet connection can be started via the corresponding IP address of the ESP.


> telnet



  • update to espressif32 6.6.0
  • complete new web UI.
  • OTA and Config import/export was redesigned
  • login authentication was redesigned
  • rework messaging function. mqtt publish function was replaced with a generic messaging function for further options.
  • add messaging option for "Pushover" #31
  • separate mqtt language option independent of webUI language
  • add WebUI-Logger #70
  • upgrade to ArduinoJSON 7 #71
  • bugfix for updating OneWire sensor values if not enabled
  • Prevent zero values from being sent at startup for "info = {"burner":0,"pump":100,"ww_temp":57,"boiler_temp":38}"
  • improve behavior for incoming mqtt messages without payload (this could lead to problems in the past)
  • change DoubleResetDetection time from 10s to 3s
  • local copy of ESPAsyncWebServer and AsyncTCP with bugfixes of known issues
  • add "Simulation-Mode" for testing purposes. Can be activated in config settings and will provide sample Data of a Logamatic 2107.
  • add Telnet Server as an additional operator interface with different command options
  • add Version information from github. If you click on the version info on the bottom left, a dialog with the version information of the latest github release is shown.


With this version, the dependency of the WebUI language and the MQTT messages has been removed. There is now a separate language setting in the MQTT settings that is used for the MQTT topics!


03 Feb 14:45
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what's new

This Versions brings some new features 🎉

Manual ip parameters

There is now the possibility to set manual ip parameters instead of DHCP Mode.



There also the possibility to activate a new web-authentication. If the option is enabled, you have to enter username and password.
To manually logout, you can click on the "Logout" button below the settings. This seems to work fine on Chrome Browsers, but unfortunately it seems not to work on Safari.


HC Reduction Mode

Added the command for "reductin mode" of heating circuits as mqtt command and to the webUI

command:    heating circuit 1: reduction mode
topic:      {"setvalue/hk1_absenkungsart", setvalue/hc1_reduction_mode"}
payload:    Number 0..3 (Abschalt,Reduziert,Raumhalt,Aussenhalt) / {off,fixed,room,outdoors)

command:    heating circuit 2: reduction mode
topic:      {"setvalue/hk2_absenkungsart", setvalue/hc2_reduction_mode"}
payload:    Number 0..3 (Abschalt,Reduziert,Raumhalt,Aussenhalt) / {off,fixed,room,outdoors)

(control to change the reduction mode)

optional oneWire Sensor

You can now configure additional OneWire Sensors. In the configuration you can setup one ore two sensors.
The Sensor value will shown on the Dashboard and will also be send by mqtt with Topic sensor and the name that you can configure.
If you only configure one sensor, it will be shown as a single control. If you enable both sensors, it will be shown in a combined control.

(single control)

(combined control)


Debug Filter

there is a new filter function for debug messages. Debug messages are send via mqtt with topic debug_message.
With the filter function you can influence what messages are sent.
The filter must consist of 11 hex values separated by a _. You can use XX as a wildcard instead of a hex value.
Example: 08_15_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX will send all messages that begins with 08_15_...
You can also disable and enable debug mode with the mqtt command cmd/debug and payload 0 or 1.

command:    debug function - on/off
topic:      {cmd/debug", cmd/debug"}
payload:    0/1

command:    debug function - set Filter
topic:      {cmd/setdebugflt", cmd/setdebugflt"}
payload:    11 hex values separated with "_" (example: 08_15_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX_XX)

command:    debug function - get Filter
topic:      {cmd/getdebugflt", cmd/getdebugflt"}
payload:    none (return value at message topic)


Remember that there is also a new service interface since v3.2.5 to send any command you like to the Logamatic.

command:    Service interface - only for Experts - use at your own risk!!!
topic:      {cmd/service", cmd/service"}
payload:    8 hex values separated with "_" (example: 08_15_04_65_65_65_65_65)


  • add manual IP-parameters instead of DHCP #56
  • add authentication in WebUI #49
  • add new command "reduction mode" for mqtt and webUI
  • add new debug filter function
  • calculate summer/winter if Logamatic is in manual mode #47
  • add OneWire support #2



Please only use the OTA update if you have already flashed v3.2.5 to the Board via the serial cable to activate the larger partition scheme.
If you want to update from a version <= 3.2.4 to this version, please flash it by cable.
If you have already flashed the v3.2.5 by cable, then you can also use the OTA update.


30 Jan 13:30
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what's new

After some feedback that v3.2.4 is not stable for some users, I have downgraded espressif32 platform from 6.4.0 (in v3.2.4) back to 5.4.0. To be honest, I am not sure if this will fix the problem, but we give it a try.


I have also updated the partition schema from "default" to "min_spiffs" because we are on the limit of the free flash space (4 MB).
With the default partition schema there was about 1,3 MB of flash space for the Program, and wit the new partition schema we will have 1,9 MB.
The new partition schema will only applied if you flash the new firmware by serial cable to your ESP. This is why there is no OTA file for this version! Be aware that this will delete your settings! But with v3.2.4 you are able to download the config.json in the Tool Section of the WebUI.


  • fix wrong temperature value in WebUI #51
  • Wrong position in the telegram used for hc1_switch_on_temperature #61
  • implement service interface via mqtt #60
  • implement additional setvalue for "switch on temperature / Aufschalttemperatur" #60
  • fix some typo in param.txt
  • add new system info in WebUI for flash size usage
  • bugfix #67
  • add readJSONstring() to check if parameter is valid



03 Feb 14:28
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what's new

New Tools Tab with embedded Update functionality and new Filemanager functionality.
With the new Filemanager functionality you can download and upload the config.json for backup and restore.
The embedded Update functionality allows you to update the firmware as before by uploading the .bin file at the browser.


the new embedded OTA function runs now on Port 80 as the normal WebUI.
Therefore the upload_port in platformio.ini has changed now (Port 8080 removed).


  • new "Tools" Tab with embedd ota and filemanager
  • fix WebUI Dashboard Status of Summer/Winter #41
  • modified platfrom.ini file - separate "extra_scripts" #43
  • Memory optimization with new Version of ESPUI



16 Jul 09:28
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what's new

update release assets:
in the past there was only one .bin file that could be used for the web OTA Update function.
It was not possible to use this .bin file to flash a new board, because the file only contains the application.

From now on, there will be two .bin files. One for the OTA web Update function and a new one to flash new esp32 boards.
It is merged already merged with the bootloader.bin and partitions.bin and can easily be flashed stating at address 0x0

see detailed description in in chapter ESP-Flash-Tool




15 Jul 14:14
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what's new

New release assets:

  • ESP_Buderus_KM271_v3.2.2_install.bin (for initital installation)
  • ESP_Buderus_KM271_v3.2.2_OTA_update.bin (for OTA Update of the application)

see detailed description in in chapter ESP-Flash-Tool


  • bugfix in Heating Circuit 2 - #37
  • mqtt bootup message (Topic: "../message" - Payload: "restarted!") - can be used to ignore alarms after reboot