Releases: dewenni/ESP_Buderus_KM271
what's new
this is a minor bugfix version.
Please see also the changelog of v5.3.0 if you update from version <5.3.0
- [FIX] missing status values in Home Assistant after adding
"state_class": "measurement"
#140 - [IMPROVE] when Home Assistant or the mqtt plugin of HASS restarts, now all values are send again
what's new
direct GitHub Update 🎉🎉🎉
This update introduces an exciting new feature: You can now update to the latest version directly from GitHub in the WebUI – no need to download the .bin file manually anymore!
Simply click on the version info in the bottom left corner, or the new Button in the Tool Section and a dialog will open. If a new version is available, you can initiate the update right there. It will automatically download and install the latest release from GitHub.
Maybe it is necessary to clean your browser cache after the update, to be sure that everything works well!
encrypted Passwords
Passwords are now better protected and stored in encrypted form in the config.json
When updating, the existing passwords are automatically encrypted and saved again.
effected config elements:
- WiFi Password
- Web Authentication Password
- MQTT Password
- Pushover API_Key
- Pushover User_Key
As the passwords are stored in encrypted form after this update, it is no longer possible to switch to an older version without re-entering the passwords after the downgrade
- [UPDATE] Arduino core 3.1.1 based on IDF
- [UPDATE] mathieucarbou/AsyncTCP @ 3.3.2
- [UPDATE] mathieucarbou/ESPAsyncWebServer @ 3.6.0
- [FEATURE] new feature to update directly from GitHub
- [FEATURE] Home Assistant:
state_class: measurement
added for Logamatic Status values #138 - [IMPROVE] Improved behavior when the restart button is pressed immediately after a change in the settings.
- [IMPROVE] Passwords are better protected and are stored in encrypted form
what's new
some minor bugfixes, updates and changes
- fix [BUG] ws.closeAll() causes a crash on Safari
- fix "Solar Collector Temperature wrong" #133
- fix HCx_MixingValue (change from unsigned to signed value) #133
- update ArduinoJSON @ 7.2.1
- update AsyncTCP @ 3.3.1
- update ESPAsyncWebServer @ 3.4.5
- update to Arduino core 3.1.0 based on IDF
- added a scrollbar to the sidebar navigation to ensure accessibility for content exceeding the viewport height.
- added information about actual used HCx programs
- added command queue for incoming mqtt messages to ensure that no message get lost even if they are received in a very short time
- uploaded files via "config-upload" are now automatically renamed to config.json, regardless of the original filename.
- reorganize internal Libraries with new Libraries EspStrUtil and EspSysUtil
- reduced font sizes across viewports by 10% for a cleaner and less cluttered appearance.
what's new
This is a minor update version, but it is based on a major update 5.0.0
Please see here what´s changed in release v5.0.0
unfortunately there was a bug in the MQTT handling in v5.0.0 which led to commands not being accepted correctly. Therefore please update to this version if you are already using 5.0.0!
reminder Ethernet Extention
I would also like to point out again that since V5 it is possible to connect the ESP via Ethernet.
Daniel already has a great expansion board designed for this, which you are welcome to register for.
new functions
- now the active Page is highlighted in the navigation bar.
- due to the increased number of possible used GPIO´s - there is a check whether the GPIOs are valid and individual GPIOs are not configured multiple times
- bugfix incorrect handling of received mqtt payload #131
- bugfix incorrect heap usage value
- change mqtt client-id back to WiFi-Hostname #128
- no restart of the ESP if the WiFi connection cannot be established but there is an Ethernet connection.
- interval for renewed mqtt connection attempt increases with each attempt by a further 10s (max. 50s). The ESP restarts after 5 failed attempts
- change previous used Libraries for DS18B20 sensors to mathieucarbou/MycilaDS18
- add function to check whether the configured GPIOs are valid and have not been assigned twice
- highlight active page in sidebar navigation
- update
what's new
This is a major update with some new features and some redesign under the hood.
The Framework is updated to the new Arduino v3 based on ESP-IDF v5.1+
Several modifications have been made to achieve better performance and stability.
Performance and stability improvements
Various improvements have been made to increase performance and stability. In particular, the communication between ESP and the web server has been redesigned and improved. The protocol was changed from SSE (Server-Sent-Events) to Websockets.
The maximum number of client connections is monitored and limited to the number of 2 active connections.
Ethernet Support W5500
There is a new support for W5500 Ethernet Modules. This brings the possibility to use ethernet connection in parallel to WiFi connection.
This could be useful in situations where the WiFi connection is not available or stable.
For mor details, please have a look at the documentation
There is also an expansion module in the pipeline that fits perfectly on the KM271 WiFi board.
Solar Support FM244
Support for optional Buderus Solar Module FM244 added. You can activate this in the same way as the heating circuits and hot-water.
Values are send by mqtt and are also available in the webUI.
System Logger
The logging function has been extended. The mode can now also be switched to ‘System log’. In this case, the serial monitor is redirected to the log and you can see the messages that are normally only visible when you are connected via cable.
new HC1/HC2 Control Elements
There are new HC1/HC2 control elements on the web UI
- HC1 Day Temperature / HC2 Day Temperature
- HC1 Night Temperature / HC2 Night Temperature
- HC1 Holiday Temperature / HC2 Holiday Temperature
- HC1 Switch-On Temperature / HC2 Switch-On Temperature
additional Status Information in the web UI
There are some additional information in the status Tab of the web UI
- Status information about Ethernet connection
- Status information about KM271 connection
- Status information about MQTT connection
In the past, there was a separate setting for the static IP. Now we have two possible interfaces and therefore the static IP setting is also duplicated and is located together with the WiFi and Ethernet settings. If you previously used static IP, you will need to adjust your settings.
I would recommend deactivating the static IP before the update!
- update to espressif/arduino-esp32 V3.07
- change AsyncTCP library to mathieucarbou/AsyncTCP v3.2.14
- update ESPAsyncWebServer mathieucarbou/ESPAsyncWebServer v3.3.22
- change communication from ServerSentEvents to websockets
- optimization and reduction of the data sent from the ESP to the web server
- remove "uptime" from MQTT discovery, because it floods the log #108
- fix typo "Ferhler" in OTA Dialog #108
- fix name of exported config.json file
- clean unused webUI texts
- direct apply of the settings after import of config.json
- update Descriptions for Ethernet and Exhaust Sensor in
- add Task Watchdog to automatically reboot if ESP is getting stuck
- add Solar FM244 support #64
- add status icons for WiFi and Ethernet
- add "Mode: SystemLog" to the WebUI Logger function that shows the ESP_LOG messages
- add Status information about Ethernet connection
- add Status information about KM271 connection
- add Status information about MQTT connection
- add control for HC1 Day Temperature / HC2 Day Temperature
- add control for HC1 Night Temperature / HC2 Night Temperature to webUI
- add control for HC1 Holiday Temperature / HC2 Holiday Temperature to webUI
- add control for HC1 Switch-On Temperature / HC2 Switch-On Temperature to webUI
what's new
There are some changes to MQTT Discovery for Home Assistant
with v4.1.2 the discovery config for "HK1_Sommer_ab", "hc1_summer_mode_threshold and "WW_Zirkulation", "ww_circulation" has changed.
Therefore, it may be necessary to delete the old Discovery Config manually.
This can be achieved by manually sending an MQTT message with the appropriate topic and an empty payload.
Alternatively, with this version you can also reset all config messages via Telnet (ha resetconfig) and also resend the config via command (ha sendconfig)
Example for german Topics (payload empty):
old Topic: homeassistant/number/Logamatic/HK1_Sommer_ab/config
old Topic: homeassistant/sensor/Logamatic/WW_Zirkulation/config
- bugfix Home Assistant setvalues not working - this bug was introduced in v4.1.2 #108
- add function to send MQTT discovery manually via Telnet (> ha sendconfig)
- add function to reset MQTT discovery manually via Telnet (> ha resetconfig)
what's new
There are some changes to MQTT Discovery for Home Assistant
- fixes the behavior that the devices are "not available" in Home Assistant, after Home Assistant has restarted. #108
- change control for "summer threshold" from Slider to DropDown
- add support to control "warm water pump circulation" at Home Assistant #110
- add restart button in Home Assistant
what's new
with this version comes the first implementation of mqtt discovery for Home Assistant 🎉
Unfortunately I have to do some breaking changes!
Home Assistant mqtt auto Discovery
MQTT discovery for Home Assistant makes it easy to get all values in Home Assistant.
The Logamatic values will automatically visible as mqtt device in Home Assistant.
The config values and the status values are displayed. Some config values can also be changed as in the WebUI.
As this is the first implementation, let´s see this an experimental state.
I am open for feedback and further improvements. Please use the issues and discussion section.
In the past, there were separate mqtt topics defined for the setvalues of the logamatic config values.
These topics were similar to the config Topics itself, but unfortunately there were some differences.
Now the setvalue topics are the same as the config topics.
some examples:
OLD: {"/setvalue/hk1_tag_soll", "/setvalue/hc1_day_setpoint"} => NEW {"/setvalue/HK1_Tagtemperatur", "/setvalue/hc1_day_temp"}
OLD: {"/setvalue/hk1_frost_ab", "/setvalue/hc1_frost_mode_threshold"} => NEW {"/setvalue/HK1_Frost_ab", "/setvalue/hc1_frost_protection_threshold"}
OLD: {"/setvalue/hk1_ferien_tage", "/setvalue/hc1_holidays"} => NEW {"/setvalue/HK1_Ferien_Tage", "/setvalue/hc1_holiday_days"}
To be more compatible, it is possible to use upper and lower case letters in the german setvalue topics.
It is also now possible to use the "string options" instead of num values as this is necessary for the home assistant integration.
- hc_operation_mode - payload: "day", "night", "auto"
- hc1_reduction_mode - payload: "off", "fixed", "room", "outdoors"
- hc_program - payload: "custom", "family", "early", "late", "AM", "PM", "noon", "single", "senior"
- fix value of HCx_SwitchOffOptimizationTime, HW_SwitchOffOptimizationTime (was not set before)
- If there is a whitespace in optional sensor name, it will be replaced in the responding mqtt topic
- Fixes the saving of the hostname. This was previously saved incorrectly as wifi.ssid which made the WiFi settings unusable. #98