This package is used to submit multiple crab or condor tasks from lxplus. Moreover, this tool is also optimized to produce private Monte-Carlo (MC) CMSSW samples (from LHE or CMSSW MC Interfaces).
First, download the package from the git repository. It is also important to set the crab environment as well as CMSSW (cmsenv) where your plugins are set.
git clone
The tool loads a json file which contains specific parameters for the job submission on crab or condor. There are multiple examples in this repository. The json format for the condor mode is different for the crab mode. Moreover, when running the tool, by default the mode "crab" is active. If it is not the case, "mode condor" should be active. In case you would like to create your own json file from scratch, the following scripts can create templates:
Remember to set the CMSSW version (with cmsenv) as well as the crab environment, otherwise the tool will complain. For loading the "configuration_file.json" as an example:
source /cvmfs/
python --f configuration_file.json
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE, --filename=FILE
JSON mapping file
-p PARSING, --parsing=PARSING
parsing: commands which can be passed from SHELL
directly. [parsing: --p "submit --file samples.json"]
-v, --verbose make lots of noise [default]
Therefore, when running the script
jobs_submission> ?
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF exit help mode submit
By default, the tool is set to submit with crab.
python --f configuration_condor.json
jobs_submission> mode condor
python --f configuration_crab.json
jobs_submission> mode crab
All the configurations are set in a JSON file for condor or crab submission. Multiple tasks can be defined in a single file, but the tool will submit only when "enable" option is "1". The examples bellow are showing the configuration parameters for the condor or crab json file.
"datasets": [
"executable": "./MissingMassNtupleAnalyzer",
"enable": 1,
"parameters": [
"inputfiles": [
"output": "test/",
"inputfolder": "/eos/cms/store/group/phys_exotica/PPS-Exo/Grid/Test",
"id": 0
The options tags are:
Options | Explanation | Comments |
executable | (string) User code | |
enable | (int) 0 or 1 | |
parameters | (vector string) executable options | |
inputfiles | (vector string) auxiliary input files | In case of extra files |
output | (string) output folder | Condor output. Automatic created. |
inputfolder | (string) multiple root files | Condor will create a job per file (*.root) |
id | (int) identifier | Start from 0. Must be different |
A python script is used to produce a template for the crab submission.
"datasets": [
"eospath": "/store/user/dmf",
"enable": 0,
"unitsperjob": 250,
"localpath": "/afs/",
"lumimask": "",
"sample": "",
"output": "RunIISummer20UL17GEN.root",
"id": 0,
"name": "PYTHIA8-SD-TOP-GEN",
"parameters": "",
"mode": "mc_private_hadron_production",
"site": "T2_US_Wisconsin",
"input": "",
"config": "/afs/"
The options are:
Options | Explanation | Comments |
eospath | (string) eos or store user area | |
enable | (int) 0 or 1 | |
unitsperjob | (int) number of files per job (MC) or LS units (data) | |
localpath | (string) directory where the crab folder will be saved | |
lumimask | (string) when running with data | |
sample | (string) dataset | Empty for GEN creation (MC) |
output | (string) crab root output file | Same name as in the CMSSW config |
id | (int) identifier. | Start from 0. Must be different |
name | (string) name of the task and name of dataset (when created) | |
parameters | (vector string) CMSSW input parameters | |
mode | (string) data_analysis | For data analysis |
(string) mc_analysis | For MC analysis | |
(string) mc_private_analysis | For MC analysis (DBS phys03) | |
(string) mc_private_hadron_production | For MC GEN production (DBS phys03) | |
(string) mc_private_hadron_lhe_production | For MC LHE production (DBS phys03) | |
site | (string) Storage Site | |
input | (string) In case of extra input file | |
config | (string) CMSSW config file |
File | Comments |
samples_skimmer2018_bjets.json | to produce skimmed ttrees for BJets. |
samples_skimmer2018_displacedjet.json | to produce skimmed ttrees for BJets. |
samples_skimmer2018_doublemuon.json | to produce skimmed ttrees for Double Muon. |
samples_skimmer2018_egamma.json | to produce skimmed ttrees for E/Gamma. |
samples_skimmer2017_mc.json | to produce skimmed ttrees for MC. |
samples_condor_bjets.json | to produce final bjets ntuples. |
samples_condor_displacedjet.json | to produce final displaced ntuples. |
samples_condor_doublemuon.json | to produce final Double Muon ntuples. |
samples_condor_egamma.json | to produce final E/Gamma ntuples. |
samples_condor_mc.json | to produce final MC ntuples. |
samples_condor_bjets_protonfile.json | to produce final random protons histograms. |
samples_create_pythia8.json | to produce CMSSW pythia8 datasets. |
samples_create_toymc.json | to produce CMSSW Toy MC datasets. |