RESTFUL api for my Capstone RPG Build Guide Website
- All files that actually make the RESTful api do what it does are located in the app folder.
- docs contains .xml files of my database structure.
- migrations contains my database migration data.
- test contains a file containing some of the tests i used withing apps/ to test the database IO.
- app.db is my sqlite database.
- contains my flask application configureations.
- is the script run to startup the buildabear RESTful api.
- Pipfile and Pipfile.lock are used by pipenv to create my python virtual envrionment.
- Procfile is used by Heroku to run initialization tasks when deploying my app there.
- is what you're looking at now! :P
- static contains the favion for the api.
- templates contains the template that is rendered if for whatever reason you view the api root url.
- contains the code neede to start up the app as well as the api endpoints.
- contains the code used to create models of the tables inside of app.db.
- contains the code that handles the api requests.
- is what renders the html template if you go to the api's root url.
- contains all the quries to the app.db database. It used the models in
- Install python version 2.7.15
cd /%pathtoproject%/Buildabear
pip install pipenv
pipenv install
this will automatically install requirements from Pipfile and Pipfile.lockpipenv shell
pipenv run python
- Navigate to "localhost:5000" in web browser
- Enjoy!
- Enter pipenv shell
flask db init
flask db migrate -m "some message"
flask db upgrade