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Introduced routines for MPI shared memory
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MPI shared memory is a concept for allocating memory accessibly by ranks
that are connected to the same physical memory, i.e. on the same node in
a cluster. In this basic implementation here, we can use this concept to
reduce the memory usage of an application if large arrays are stored
only once per node and not once per MPI task.

See test/test_shared_memory.f90 for a short example.
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terminationshock committed Feb 21, 2022
1 parent d8682dc commit e6be738
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Showing 6 changed files with 190 additions and 2 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion lib/CMakeLists.txt
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Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ set(sources-fpp

fypp_preprocess("${sources-fpp}" sources-f90)

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lib/module.fpp
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Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ module libmpifx_module
use mpifx_allgatherv_module
use mpifx_scatter_module
use mpifx_scatterv_module
use mpifx_shared_memory_module
implicit none

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150 changes: 150 additions & 0 deletions lib/mpifx_shared_memory.fpp
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#:include 'mpifx.fypp'

!> Contains utilities for handling MPI shared memory
module mpifx_shared_memory_module
use mpifx_common_module
use iso_c_binding, only : c_ptr, c_f_pointer
implicit none

public :: mpifx_allocate_shared, mpifx_free_shared, mpifx_lock_shared, mpifx_unlock_shared, mpifx_sync_shared

interface mpifx_allocate_shared
#:for TYPE in TYPES
module procedure mpifx_allocate_shared_${TYPEABBREV}$
end interface mpifx_allocate_shared


#:def mpifx_allocate_shared_template(SUFFIX, TYPE)

!> Returns a window handle and a pointer to the address associated with a shared memory segment.
!! \param mycomm MPI communicator.
!! \param length Number of elements of type ${TYPE}$ in the shared memory window.
!! \param win Handle of the shared memory window on return.
!! \param shared_data Pointer to the shared data array of length 'length' on return.
!! \param error Optional error code on return.
!! \see MPI documentation (\c MPI_WIN_ALLOCATE_SHARED)
subroutine mpifx_allocate_shared_${SUFFIX}$(mycomm, length, win, shared_data, error)
type(mpifx_comm), intent(in) :: mycomm
integer, intent(in) :: length
integer, intent(out) :: win
${TYPE}$, pointer, intent(out) :: shared_data(:)
integer, intent(out), optional :: error

integer :: disp_unit, error0, error1
integer(MPI_ADDRESS_KIND) :: local_length
type(c_ptr) :: baseptr

disp_unit = kind(shared_data)

local_length = 0
if (mycomm%lead) then
local_length = length * disp_unit
end if

call mpi_win_allocate_shared(local_length, disp_unit, MPI_INFO_NULL, mycomm%id, baseptr, win, error0)
call handle_errorflag(error0, "MPI_WIN_ALLOCATE_SHARED in mpifx_allocate_shared_${SUFFIX}$", error)

call mpi_win_shared_query(win, 0, local_length, disp_unit, baseptr, error1)
call handle_errorflag(error1, "MPI_WIN_SHARED_QUERY in mpifx_allocate_shared_${SUFFIX}$", error)

call c_f_pointer(baseptr, shared_data, [length])

end subroutine mpifx_allocate_shared_${SUFFIX}$

#:enddef mpifx_allocate_shared_template

!> Deallocates a memory associated with a shared memory segment.
!! \param win Handle of the shared memory window.
!! \param error Optional error code on return.
!! \see MPI documentation (\c MPI_WIN_FREE)
subroutine mpifx_free_shared(win, error)
integer, intent(inout) :: win
integer, intent(out), optional :: error

integer :: error0

call mpi_win_free(win, error0)
call handle_errorflag(error0, "MPI_WIN_FREE in mpifx_free_shared", error)

end subroutine mpifx_free_shared

!> Locks a shared memory segment.
!! \param win Handle of the shared memory window.
!! \param error Optional error code on return.
!! \see MPI documentation (\c MPI_WIN_LOCK_ALL)
subroutine mpifx_lock_shared(win, error)
integer, intent(inout) :: win
integer, intent(out), optional :: error

integer :: error0

call mpi_win_lock_all(MPI_MODE_NOCHECK, win, error0)
call handle_errorflag(error0, "MPI_WIN_LOCK_ALL in mpifx_lock_shared", error)

end subroutine mpifx_lock_shared

!> Unlocks a shared memory segment.
!! \param win Handle of the shared memory window.
!! \param error Optional error code on return.
!! \see MPI documentation (\c MPI_WIN_UNLOCK_ALL)
subroutine mpifx_unlock_shared(win, error)
integer, intent(inout) :: win
integer, intent(out), optional :: error

integer :: error0

call mpi_win_unlock_all(win, error0)
call handle_errorflag(error0, "MPI_WIN_UNLOCK_ALL in mpifx_unlock_shared", error)

end subroutine mpifx_unlock_shared

!> Synchronizes shared memory across MPI ranks.
!! \param mycomm MPI communicator.
!! \param win Handle of the shared memory window.
!! \param error Optional error code on return.
!! \see MPI documentation (\c MPI_WIN_SYNC)
subroutine mpifx_sync_shared(mycomm, win, error)
type(mpifx_comm), intent(in) :: mycomm
integer, intent(inout) :: win
integer, intent(out), optional :: error

integer :: error0, error1

call mpi_win_sync(win, error0)
call handle_errorflag(error0, "MPI_WIN_SYNC in mpifx_sync_shared", error)

call mpi_barrier(mycomm%id, error1)
call handle_errorflag(error1, "MPI_BARRIER in mpifx_sync_shared", error)

end subroutine mpifx_sync_shared

#:for TYPE in TYPES

$:mpifx_allocate_shared_template(SUFFIX, FTYPE)


end module mpifx_shared_memory_module
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion test/CMakeLists.txt
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foreach(target IN LISTS targets)
add_executable(${target} ${target}.f90)
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foreach t : tests
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34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions test/test_shared_memory.f90
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@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
program test_shared_memory
use libmpifx_module
implicit none

type(mpifx_comm) :: globalcomm, nodecomm
integer, parameter :: length = 7
integer :: win
integer, pointer :: data_pointer(:)

call mpifx_init()
call globalcomm%init()

! Create a new communicator for all ranks on a node first
call globalcomm%split_type(MPI_COMM_TYPE_SHARED, globalcomm%rank, nodecomm)

call mpifx_allocate_shared(nodecomm, length, win, data_pointer)

call mpifx_lock_shared(win)

! Only rank 0 writes data into the array
if (nodecomm%lead) then
data_pointer(:) = 42
end if

call mpifx_sync_shared(nodecomm, win)
call mpifx_unlock_shared(win)

! All ranks on the node will read the same value
write(*, "(2(A,1X,I0,1X))") "ID:", nodecomm%rank, "VALUE:", data_pointer(1)

call mpifx_free_shared(win)
call mpifx_finalize()

end program test_shared_memory

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