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ssl: Error server options when no certs
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When running a ssl server the user must provide cert and key or
use an anonymous cipher in tls1.2. Otherwise no connection will

Add an option check so that this is dectected earlier, and gives
the user an appropriate error instead of just failing each connection

To keep backwards compatibility the check is only done in handshake,
since it is allowed to use an empty (or minimal) option list in
ssl:listen and provide the options in handshake later.
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dgud committed Nov 30, 2023
1 parent c31eabd commit 51ad60f
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Showing 4 changed files with 141 additions and 44 deletions.
40 changes: 37 additions & 3 deletions lib/ssl/src/ssl.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1621,7 +1621,8 @@ ssl_options() ->
-spec update_options([any()], client | server, map()) -> map().
update_options(Opts, Role, InheritedSslOpts) when is_map(InheritedSslOpts) ->
{UserSslOpts, _} = split_options(Opts, ssl_options()),
process_options(UserSslOpts, InheritedSslOpts, #{role => Role}).
Env = #{role => Role, validate_certs_or_anon_ciphers => Role == server},
process_options(UserSslOpts, InheritedSslOpts, Env).

process_options(UserSslOpts, SslOpts0, Env) ->
%% Reverse option list so we get the last set option if set twice,
Expand All @@ -1646,6 +1647,7 @@ process_options(UserSslOpts, SslOpts0, Env) ->
SslOpts17 = opt_handshake(UserSslOptsMap, SslOpts16, Env),
SslOpts18 = opt_use_srtp(UserSslOptsMap, SslOpts17, Env),
SslOpts = opt_process(UserSslOptsMap, SslOpts18, Env),
validate_server_cert_opts(SslOpts, Env),

-spec handle_options([any()], client | server, undefined|host()) -> {ok, #config{}}.
Expand All @@ -1655,8 +1657,10 @@ handle_options(Opts, Role, Host) ->
%% Handle all options in listen, connect and handshake
handle_options(Transport, Socket, Opts0, Role, Host) ->
{UserSslOptsList, SockOpts0} = split_options(Opts0, ssl_options()),

Env = #{role => Role, host => Host},
NeedValidate = not (Socket == undefined) andalso Role =:= server, %% handshake options
Env = #{role => Role, host => Host,
validate_certs_or_anon_ciphers => NeedValidate
SslOpts = process_options(UserSslOptsList, #{}, Env),

%% Handle special options
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2614,6 +2618,36 @@ validate_filename([_|_] = FN, _Option) ->
validate_filename(FN, Option) ->
option_error(Option, FN).

validate_server_cert_opts(_Opts, #{validate_certs_or_anon_ciphers := false}) ->
validate_server_cert_opts(#{certs_keys := [_|_]=CertsKeys, ciphers := CPHS, versions := Versions}, _) ->
validate_certs_or_anon_ciphers(CertsKeys, CPHS, Versions);
validate_server_cert_opts(#{ciphers := CPHS, versions := Versions}, _) ->
validate_anon_ciphers(CPHS, Versions).

validate_certs_or_anon_ciphers(CertsKeys, Ciphers, Versions) ->
CheckCertsAndKeys =
fun(Map) ->
(maps:is_key(cert, Map) orelse maps:is_key(certfile, Map))
andalso (maps:is_key(key, Map) orelse maps:is_key(keyfile, Map))
case lists:any(CheckCertsAndKeys, CertsKeys) of
true -> ok;
false -> validate_anon_ciphers(Ciphers, Versions)

validate_anon_ciphers(Ciphers, Versions) ->
MakeSet = fun(Version, Acc) ->
Set = sets:from_list(ssl_cipher:anonymous_suites(Version), [{version, 2}]),
sets:union(Set, Acc)
Anonymous = lists:foldl(MakeSet, sets:new([{version, 2}]), Versions),
CiphersSet = sets:from_list(Ciphers, [{version,2}]),
case sets:is_disjoint(Anonymous, CiphersSet) of
false -> ok;
true -> option_error(certs_keys, no_cert_or_key_given)

%% Do not allow configuration of TLS 1.3 with a gap where TLS 1.2 is not supported
%% as that configuration can trigger the built in version downgrade protection
%% mechanism and the handshake can fail with an Illegal Parameter alert.
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions lib/ssl/src/ssl_cipher.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -344,15 +344,15 @@ tls_legacy_suites(Version) ->

anonymous_suites(Version) when ?TLS_1_X(Version) ->
SuitesToTest = anonymous_suite_to_test(Version),
lists:flatmap(fun tls_v1:exclusive_anonymous_suites/1, SuitesToTest);
Versions = versions_included(Version),
lists:flatmap(fun tls_v1:exclusive_anonymous_suites/1, Versions);
anonymous_suites(Version) when ?DTLS_1_X(Version) ->

anonymous_suite_to_test(?TLS_1_0) -> [?TLS_1_0];
anonymous_suite_to_test(?TLS_1_1) -> [?TLS_1_1, ?TLS_1_0];
anonymous_suite_to_test(?TLS_1_2) -> [?TLS_1_2, ?TLS_1_1, ?TLS_1_0];
anonymous_suite_to_test(?TLS_1_3) -> [?TLS_1_3].
versions_included(?TLS_1_0) -> [?TLS_1_0];
versions_included(?TLS_1_1) -> [?TLS_1_1, ?TLS_1_0];
versions_included(?TLS_1_2) -> [?TLS_1_2, ?TLS_1_1, ?TLS_1_0];
versions_included(?TLS_1_3) -> [?TLS_1_3].

-spec filter(undefined | binary(), [ssl_cipher_format:cipher_suite()],
Expand Down
90 changes: 74 additions & 16 deletions lib/ssl/test/ssl_api_SUITE.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1684,9 +1684,10 @@ close_with_timeout(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
close_in_error_state() ->
[{doc,"Special case of closing socket in error state"}].
close_in_error_state(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ServerOpts0 = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_opts, Config),
ServerOpts0 = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_rsa_opts, Config),
ServerOpts = [{cacertfile, "foo.pem"} | proplists:delete(cacertfile, ServerOpts0)],
ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),

_ = spawn(?MODULE, run_error_server_close, [[self() | ServerOpts]]),
{_Pid, Port} ->
Expand All @@ -1703,7 +1704,7 @@ close_in_error_state(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
call_in_error_state() ->
[{doc,"Special case of call error handling"}].
call_in_error_state(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ServerOpts0 = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_opts, Config),
ServerOpts0 = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_rsa_opts, Config),
ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_opts, Config),
ServerOpts = [{cacertfile, "foo.pem"} | proplists:delete(cacertfile, ServerOpts0)],
Pid = spawn(?MODULE, run_error_server, [[self() | ServerOpts]]),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2187,27 +2188,44 @@ options_whitebox() ->
customize_defaults(Opts, Role, Host) ->
%% In many options test scenarios we do not care about verifcation options
%% but the client now requiers verification options by default.
ClientIgnorDef = case proplists:get_value(verify, Opts, undefined) of
undefined when Role == client ->
[{verify, verify_none}];
_ ->
DefOpts = case Role of
client ->
case proplists:get_value(verify, Opts, undefined) of
undefined -> [{verify, verify_none}];
_ -> []
server ->
Ciphers = proplists:get_value(ciphers, Opts, undefined),
Cert = proplists:get_value(cert, Opts, undefined),
Key = proplists:get_value(key, Opts, undefined),
CertsKeys = proplists:get_value(certs_keys, Opts, undefined),
NoCertOrKeys = Cert == undefined orelse Key == undefined andalso
CertsKeys == undefined,
if Ciphers == undefined andalso NoCertOrKeys ->
[{certs_keys, [#{cert => <<>>, key => {rsa, <<>>}}]}];
true ->
NoVerify = case Role of
client -> [{verify, verify_none}|DefOpts];
server -> DefOpts
case proplists:get_value(protocol, Opts, tls) of
dtls ->
{ok, #config{ssl=DOpts}} = ssl:handle_options([{verify, verify_none}, {protocol, dtls}], Role, Host),
{DOpts, ClientIgnorDef ++ Opts};
{ok, #config{ssl=DOpts}} = ssl:handle_options([{protocol, dtls}|NoVerify], Role, Host),
{DOpts, DefOpts ++ Opts};
tls ->
{ok, #config{ssl=DOpts}} = ssl:handle_options([{verify, verify_none}], Role, Host),
{ok, #config{ssl=DOpts}} = ssl:handle_options(NoVerify, Role, Host),
case proplists:get_value(versions, Opts) of
undefined ->
{DOpts, ClientIgnorDef ++ [{versions, ['tlsv1.2','tlsv1.3']}|Opts]};
{DOpts, DefOpts ++ [{versions, ['tlsv1.2','tlsv1.3']}|Opts]};
_ ->
{DOpts, ClientIgnorDef ++ Opts}
{DOpts, DefOpts ++ Opts}
_ ->
{ok, #config{ssl=DOpts}} = ssl:handle_options(ClientIgnorDef, Role, Host),
{DOpts, ClientIgnorDef ++ Opts}
{ok, #config{ssl=DOpts}} = ssl:handle_options(NoVerify, Role, Host),
{DOpts, DefOpts ++ Opts}

-define(OK(EXP, Opts, Role), ?OK(EXP,Opts, Role, [])).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2279,6 +2297,41 @@ customize_defaults(Opts, Role, Host) ->

-define(ERR_UPD(EXP, Opts, Role),
fun() ->
Host = "",
{__DefOpts, __Opts} = customize_defaults(Opts, Role, Host),
try ssl:handle_options(__Opts, Role, Host) of
{ok, #config{}} ->
Other ->
error({unexpected, Other})
throw:{error,{options,{insufficient_crypto_support,{'tlsv1.3',_}}}} -> ignored;
C:Other:ST ->
error({unexpected, C, Other,ST})
try ssl:update_options(__Opts, Role, __DefOpts) of
Other2 ->
?CT_PAL("{ok,Cfg} = ssl:handle_options([],~p,~p),"
"ssl:update_options(~p,~p, element(2,Cfg)).",
error({unexpected, Other2})
throw:{error,{options,{insufficient_crypto_support,{'tlsv1.3',_}}}} -> ignored;
throw:{error, {options, EXP}} -> ok;
throw:{error, EXP} -> ok;
C2:Other2:ST2 ->
?CT_PAL("{ok,Cfg} = ssl:handle_options([],~p,~p),"
"ssl:update_options(~p,~p, element(2,Cfg)).",
error({unexpected, C2, Other2,ST2})

options_whitebox(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Cert = proplists:get_value(cert, ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_rsa_der_opts, Config)),
true = is_binary(Cert),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2520,6 +2573,7 @@ options_cert(Config) -> %% cert[file] cert_keys keys password
?ERR({cert, #{}}, [{cert, #{}}], client),
?ERR({certfile, cert}, [{certfile, cert}], client),
?ERR({certs_keys, #{}}, [{certs_keys, #{}}], client),
?ERR_UPD({certs_keys, no_cert_or_key_given}, [{certs_keys, []}], server),
?ERR({keyfile, #{}}, [{keyfile, #{}}], client),
?ERR({key, <<>>}, [{key, <<>>}], client),
?ERR({password, _}, [{password, fun(Arg) -> Arg end}], client),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2548,7 +2602,11 @@ options_ciphers(_Config) ->
?OK(#{ciphers := [_|_]}, [{ciphers, "RC4-SHA:RC4-MD5"}], client),
?OK(#{ciphers := [_|_]}, [{ciphers, ["RC4-SHA", "RC4-MD5"]}], client),

%% FIXME extend this
?OK(#{ciphers := [_|_]}, [{ciphers, ["TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256"]}], server),
%% Errors
?ERR({ciphers, _}, [{ciphers, "foobar:RC4-MD5"}], client),
?ERR({ciphers, _}, [{ciphers, ["RC4-SHA:RC4-MD5", "RC4-SHA:RC4-MD5"]}], client),
?ERR_UPD({certs_keys, no_cert_or_key_given}, [{ciphers, "RC4-SHA:RC4-MD5"}], server),

options_client_renegotiation(_Config) ->
Expand Down
43 changes: 24 additions & 19 deletions lib/ssl/test/tls_api_SUITE.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -193,8 +193,9 @@ init_per_suite(Config0) ->
try crypto:start() of
ok ->
Config1 = ssl_test_lib:make_rsa_cert_with_protected_keyfile(Config0,
catch _:_ ->
{skip, "Crypto did not start"}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,6 +300,7 @@ tls_upgrade_new_opts_with_sni_fun() ->
tls_upgrade_new_opts_with_sni_fun(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ClientOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(client_rsa_verify_opts, Config),
ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_rsa_opts, Config),
ServerDsaOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_dsa_opts, Config),
{ClientNode, ServerNode, Hostname} = ssl_test_lib:run_where(Config),
TcpOpts = [binary, {reuseaddr, true}],
Version = ssl_test_lib:protocol_version(Config),
Expand All @@ -309,23 +311,26 @@ tls_upgrade_new_opts_with_sni_fun(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{ciphers, Ciphers},
{verify, verify_peer}],

Server = ssl_test_lib:start_upgrade_server([{node, ServerNode}, {port, 0},
{from, self()},
{mfa, {?MODULE,
upgrade_result, []}},
[{active, false} | TcpOpts]},
{ssl_options, [{versions, [Version |NewVersions]}, {sni_fun, fun(_SNI) -> ServerOpts ++ NewOpts end}]}]),
Server = ssl_test_lib:start_upgrade_server(
[{node, ServerNode}, {port, 0},
{from, self()},
{mfa, {?MODULE, upgrade_result, []}},
[{active, false} | TcpOpts]},
{ssl_options, [{versions, [Version |NewVersions]},
{sni_fun, fun(_SNI) -> ServerOpts ++ NewOpts end}
| ServerDsaOpts]}]),
Port = ssl_test_lib:inet_port(Server),
Client = ssl_test_lib:start_upgrade_client([{node, ClientNode},
{port, Port},
{host, Hostname},
{from, self()},
{mfa, {?MODULE, upgrade_result, []}},
{tcp_options, [binary]},
{ssl_options, [{versions, [Version |NewVersions]},
{ciphers, Ciphers},
{server_name_indication, Hostname} | ClientOpts]}]),
Client = ssl_test_lib:start_upgrade_client(
[{node, ClientNode},
{port, Port},
{host, Hostname},
{from, self()},
{mfa, {?MODULE, upgrade_result, []}},
{tcp_options, [binary]},
{ssl_options, [{versions, [Version |NewVersions]},
{ciphers, Ciphers},
{server_name_indication, Hostname} | ClientOpts]}]),

?CT_LOG("Client ~p Server ~p ~n", [Client, Server]),

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -515,7 +520,7 @@ tls_client_closes_socket() ->
[{doc,"Test what happens when client closes socket before handshake is completed"}].

tls_client_closes_socket(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_opts, Config),
ServerOpts = ssl_test_lib:ssl_options(server_rsa_opts, Config),
{ClientNode, ServerNode, Hostname} = ssl_test_lib:run_where(Config),
TcpOpts = [binary, {reuseaddr, true}],

Expand Down

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