If you are seeing this, hi and welcome to my GitHub page! This is my personal space where I rave about all things related to Biology and Bioinformatics. You can skip to the good part and go directly to my website here. If you are still here that's great! My name is Dhatri and I am a budding Bioinformatician. When I am not sitting in front of my computer breaking my head over my programming assignment, I am out exploring different neighborhoods in Boston or DC and hitting up museums to be inspired to think of new ways to solve problems.
It's always a little hard to get to know someone through their GitHub page—so let's break that ice, here are a couple of things you should know about me. If there is anything that you can relate with, connect with me! (scroll down for contact info)
- I love listening to Indie music regardless of how I am feeling
- My favorite programming language is R and I even made my own web application using R Shiny.
- I am 5ft 11 inches tall i.e. 180cm for my metric system buddies.
- My two current favorite research topics are chronic kidney disease and the microbiome of gut.
(if you are working on projects involved in this area, please let me know, I would love to hear/be involved!)
My all time favorite book is Why Fish Don't Exist
Article I recently read is about the direct and indirect effects cancer has on the human microbiome
Congratulations, you made it to the end! As a prize, you can connect with me on LinkedIn or reach me at [email protected]