The repository is configured to automatically run tests on push to master.
also, building a docker image will execute tests during the image build
docker build . -t loantest
run a webserver on 8080
docker run -it --name loancontainer -p 8080:8080 loantest
docker exec -it loancontainer ./ migrate --no-input
use this superuser account to create admins
docker exec -it loancontainer ./ createsuperuser
by default this app runs on sqlite3 database inside the container filesystem, you can also run the docker container with postgreSQL, add the environment variables needed to connect to postgres(look at .env.example).
docker run -it --name loancontainer --network=host --env-file ./.env.example -p 8080:8080 loantest ./ runserver
To run locally setup the dependencies in your virtualenvironment by
pip install -r requirements.txt
to run tests
apply database migrations
./ migrate --no-input
collect staticfiles(for swagger ui api docs)
./ collectstatic --no-input
start the server by
./ runserver
Api documentation will be available on