This LUA script enables the nginx webserver to authenticate against privacyIDEA using multiple factor authentication like OTP, Yubikey, etc and cache the result for a defined lifetime.
Redis is providing the server side cache (for successful HTTP Basic Authentications) similar to the privacyIDEA apache2 authentication module.
The lua script requires the basic nginx-lua, lua-cjson, lua-nginx-redis and lua-resty-http modules to be available.
Configuration example nginx virtual host
location / {
# redis host:port
# set $privacyidea_redis_host "";
# set $privacyidea_redis_post 6379;
# how long are accepted authentication allowed to be cached
# if expired, the user has to reauthenticate
# set $privacyidea_ttl 900;
# privacyIDEA realm. leave empty == default
# set $privacyidea_realm 'somerealm'; # (optional)
# pointer to the internal validation proxy pass
# set $privacyidea_uri "/privacyidea-validate-check";
# the salt will be used as key/salt for hashing the password
# set $privacyidea_salt "some random string as hmac salt";
# the http realm presented to the user
# set $privacyidea_http_realm "Secure zone (use PIN + OTP)";
access_by_lua_file 'privacyidea.lua';
# internal pointer to the validation server
# nginx lua support remote calls only via proxy_pass or
# by using direct sockect connections
location /privacyidea-validate-check {
# proxy_ssl_verify off;
proxy_pass https://privacyidea/validate/check;
Tested with Debian Jessie 8.0
apt-get install nginx-extras lua-nginx-redis lua-cjson redis-server