This repository contains implementation of Quadrupedal locomotion from formulation of kinematics and dynamics to deploying it on an actual robot. The robot we use is Unitree Go1 Edu, a low cost quadruped robot which is open source and can be deployed both, using python APIs and ROS.
Unitree Go1 Motion
If you find the work useful, kindly cite the following paper: Mehta, D., Kosaraju, K., and Krovi, V., "Actively Articulated Wheeled Architectures for Autonomous Ground Vehicles - Opportunities and Challenges," SAE Technical Paper 2023-01-0109, 2023,
In order to operate the Uniree Go1 Edu robot - make sure to hang it initially using a harness to avoid any damage. Unitree Go1 by default comes with ROS/ROS2 enabled services. Details are given in the following link
In order to connect to he robot and operate it using Python APIs, connect the Go1 Robot via Ethernet and follow the insructions below:
Run this command after you plug in the Ethernet Port,
You can find an extra device ID. For example, enpxxx
sudo ifconfig enpxxx down # enpxxx is your PC usb port
sudo ifconfig enpxxx
sudo ifconfig enpxxx up
After connecting, run the following command:
python3 Quadruped_Kinematics/
This repo is under active development.