- 💻 a Digital Marcom Professional.
- ❤️ I love to write, design prototypes, build websites and web applications.
- 📝 I enjoy writing about coding.
- 🔌 My GOAL: work as a MarTech Pro in a vibrant Tech company in Barcelona.
I am open to collaborate with other digital content creators.
- 📚 Learning new things, self driven, hard working and friendly.😃
- 📷 Experience 10+ years in Digital Marketing (SEO,Content Management) & TV-Journalism.
- 💎 Communications Science (Master), TV-reporting (Postdoc), webdevelopment, UX Design and Digital Marketing (Nanodegree).
- 🎬 I like to visit musea, cinema and anything cultural.
- 🚴 You can find me biking on a foldable bike, drinking a Chai Latte or Café con Leche and walking in nature.
- 🌷 Enjoying familylife and learning new things related to webdesign and webdevelopment is what keeps me alive and kicking.
Currently re-designing the MVP iCuida into a fully functioning digital product, together with a Project Manager, UX/UI designer and Fullstack web developer. Responsible for mobile and desktop design and content. https://www.icuida.barcelona/
Since May, I mentor professionals interested in working in the IT sector on a Monthly base. Basically by sharing my working experience in the IT Sector and solving their doubts and questions regarding UX Design, Front-end Web development and Digital Marketing. https://www.tipscool.com/
Between January and May I helped a junior team of 5 girls in the age of 10-13 years creating a web application from idea untill Minimal Viable Project (MVP). The results were presented in an online meetup with around 60 teams all over Catalunya. https://technovationchallenge.org/
Since the end of 2018, I work on IT-projects, while constantly learning to keep up with the lastest trends in UX design and Web development. This resulted in september 2019 into my own Company "All Digital Agency".
I worked as a freelance web developer for Iniciativa Barcelona Open Data. They provide pricing analytics for the sea freight industry. I worked on the customer-facing app, and mainly with HTML5, CSS and a bit of JavaScript. The presentation of the project was held on 9th of March at Barcelona Innoba Center in the 22@ district. https://projecte-equal.com/
In the summer of 2019 I started to work at MEETOPTICS as a freelance web developer at the University Politecnica Catalunya (UPC Empren). MEETOPTICS is a highly customisable search engine made especially for researchers and optical engineers in photonics. I created their Landing, Login, Infopages, with Services and Productdescriptions in HTML, CSS and Vue.js and some basic web scraping in Python. https://www.meetoptics.com/
In Spring 2019, I was part of the winning team of a Hackathon from DadesXDones, in collaboration with Iniciativa Barcelona Open Data. With a team of three, we pitched an IDEA and created an Minimal Viable Product (MVP), a Progressive Web App project iCuida (Social Services). I was responsible for prototyping, responsive Web Design and Coding in React. The presentation of the project was held on 10th of July at Cybernarium Espai Barcelona in the 22@ district. https://icuida.com/
In Autum 2018, I helped out the startup Tech education school for women, All Women with improvements of their website, mainly related to online marketing, content creation and SEO. I also set up their Google Analytics Account. https://allwomen.tech
In Spring 2013, I started as a customer service support employee at a European Internet Service Provider (ISP). After an internal sollicitation, I quickly moved into the Marketing department, being responsible for Content creating, Social Media, localization of New Products and SEO.
After graduation with distinction from Communication Science, I started working as a Freelance Journalist, combining online articles about Current Society Debates in ArtHouse Lux with TV journalism, prsenting, camerawork and editing of televisionnews items for Nijmegen1, the local TV station of the city Nijmegen. In 2008 I moved to Barcelona, Spain and have been working for several Dutch and Spanish online Media. I also wrote and published three books between 2010-2018.
In June, I started the FrontEnd Web Development Bootcamp at the IT Academy in Cybernarium, Barcelona Activa. Due to the Covid-19 pandemie, all class material is online & inhouse. Git, XAMPP, MySQL, SQL Queries, HTML5, CSS3 (Flexbox, Grid, Animations), SASS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, React & Redux are the skills we are trained. We also get classes in Algorithm and Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in JavaScript. https://cibernarium.barcelonactiva.cat/es/it-academy
During the 3 month Nanodegree in UX Design, I gained insights in User Research, User Experience, Wireframing,Prototyping, Interactive Design, User Interface Design & Usability Testing. And created 4 UX projects. https://www.udacity.com/course/ux-designer-nanodegree--nd578
During the 4-month Nanodegree in Digital Marketing, I gained real-world experience running live campaigns. And learned from top experts (Facebook, Google, Hootsuite, HubSpot, MailChimp, Moz) with a 360-degree understanding of digital marketing. https://www.udacity.com/course/digital-marketing-nanodegree--nd018
I won a full Google scholarshipgrant to attend the Front-end Web Developer Digital Nanodegree Program @ Udacity. In several months, I learned how to build high quality websites and dynamic applications to create a satisfying user experiences for the web. At that time, creating Progressive Web Applications in React was part of the program. https://www.udacity.com/course/front-end-web-developer-nanodegree--nd0011