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Matej Artač edited this page Nov 4, 2016 · 3 revisions

This document describes the two installation alternatives that an administrator may need to carry out to set up and maintain BO4CO:

Automated installation with Chef

We provide an automated installation of the BO4CO via a Chef cookbook.

In a dedicated Ubuntu 14.04 host, first install the Chef Development Kit, e.g.:

$ wget
$ sudo dpkg -i chefdk_0.15.16-1_amd64.deb

Then obtain this cookbook repository:

$ git clone
$ cd DICE-Chef-Repository

Before we run the installation, we just need to provide the configuration, pointing to the external services that the Configuration Optimization relies on. We provide this configuration in a json file. Let us name it configuration-optimization.json:

  "dice-h2020": {
    "conf-optim": {
      "ds-container": "4a7459f7-914e-4e83-ab40-b04fd1975542"
    "deployment-service": {
      "url": "",
      "username": "admin",
      "password": "LetJustMeIn"
    "d-mon": {
      "url": ""

Here, the parameters represent:

  • ds-container is the UUID of the DICE deployment service container dedicated to the application to run and optimize,
  • deployment-service contain the access point and credentials of the DICE Deployment Service to be used by the CO,
  • d-mon contains parameters used by the CO to connect to the DICE monitoring framework.

Now we can start the Chef process:

$ sudo chef-client -z \
    -o recipe[apt::default],recipe[java::default],recipe[dice-h2020::deployment-service-tool],recipe[dice-h2020::conf-optim],recipe[storm::default] \
    -j configuration-optimization.json

When the execution succeeds, the Configuration Optimization will be installed in /opt/co/ by default. The command will also install the Storm client (thanks to the recipe[storm-cluster::common] provided at the end of the runlist above).

Notes about tool configuration: the Chef recipe creates three configuration files in the /opt/co/conf folder. The config.yaml contains the parameters transferred from the configuration-optimization.json listed above. The app-config.yaml is an example experiment declaration file like it should be supplied with the application. The expconfig.yaml is an assembled configuration file as defined later in the document and will be the one used by the BO4CO. The recipe employs configuration merge tool to create the expconfig.yaml.

Manual installation

The configuration tool works in deployed and MATLAB mode. The deployed mode does not need any MATLAB installation and only is dependent on a royalty free MATLAB Runtime (MCR).

Getting BO4CO

Regardless of the method, first download the tool using git, a package download, or a pre-compiled binary downloads.


$ mkdir -p ~/myrepos ; cd ~/myrepos
$ git clone
$ cd DICE-Configuration-BO4CO


$ mkdir -p ~/myrepos ; cd ~/myrepos
$ wget
$ unzip
# This step is only to unify the result with the one from the git download
$ mv DICE-Configuration-BO4CO-master DICE-Configuration-BO4CO
$ cd DICE-Configuration-BO4CO

Binary releases:

$ wget
$ unzip

MCR Installation

First, install MCR on the platform you intends to run the tool, e.g., here is the instructions for ubuntu:

$ cd install/
$ ./


We already prepared the compiled versions for ubuntu64 and maci64 deployment target, for this you need to download the from the latest tool release. So only the compiled files needs to get copied into the target folder, where BO4CO will be deployed:

$ cd DICE-Configuration-BO4CO/
$ wget
$ unzip
$ cp bin/ubuntu64/* target
$ cp deploy/ target
$ cp -r src/conf target

It is also possible to prepare a new compiled version for a new target architecture such as windows64. You only need to run the following command in MATLAB on the target environment (i.e., target architecture and MCR version) in order to compile the source files:

cd DICE-Configuration-BO4CO/src
run compile.m

Note that it is essential to run compile.m in the target environment otherwise the execution of the compiled version will fail. We are happy to provide compiled version for a target environment, you only need to drop us an email, see contact bellow.