OCBC gave a project task to determine the skill test that I mastered for the initial selection process.
Here are the preview of the app,
There are some such features like,
- Readable and Maintainable code
- Use View Binding instead of Kotlin Extensions
- Modularization
- Stunning Design
- Light/Dark Mode
- Reusable Code and Base
- Reusable Components like SnackBar, ProgressDialog
- Authenticator to Pass the @Header Request
- Fingerprint Login
- QR Scanner to Easy Transfer
- String Translation
- Unit Test
And I've been thinking to improve this project by doing some stuff like,
- Use Local Database (Room)
- Add Loading State use Shimmer
- Complete the styles
Here, I attached the QR Code, so you can test the QR Scanner
developed with 💕 by Ridho Saputra - Instagram