Enhanced discovery of Docker images is the title of the thesis submitted for the degree of MSc in Computer Science and Networking University of Pisa and SSSUP Sant’Anna. a.a. 2015/2016
h20.02 = 29 immagini già presenti, 3 scanners:
- 1.30 h = 130 minuti : 120 immagini in
Docker Finder is a tool enabling a more powerful search of Docker images with respect to the tools currently provided by the Docker platform (docker search, Docker Hub).
The main steps performed by Docker Finder are the following:
- Download Docker images from a Docker registry (e.g. Docker Hub),
- generate a descriptions of the images into a local storage, and
- users can search the images via APIs and a GUI.
The GUI of Docker Finder.
The figure represents the architecture of Docker Finder deployed in the Docker platform. Each compoenet is shippend inside a Docker image.
Docker Finder architecture can be runned with Docker-compose or using the swarm mode of Docker 1.12.
In order to run all the microservices of the architecture, you should launch the following commmand from within the main folder of the project.
$ docker-compose up
The initializarion script init-all.sh
- initialize am overlay network (if it does not exist).
- Build and push the images into Docker HUb.
The start_all.sh
- create the services by downloading the images from Docker Hub.
- run the services:
- Crawler, RabbiMQ, images_server, images_db,software_server,software_db ,monitor: run in the same host with a constraint label.
- scanner can run in a ny host that are partecipating in the swarm.