This is a client for the F2B XML API
- Automated tests that don't require manual approval in F2B account
- Automated tests that require manual approval in a F2B account
- Add get payment status from the F2B status webservice
go get
Import into your app and start using it:
package main
import (
func main() {
clientID := os.Getenv("F2B_CLIENTID")
if clientID == "" {
panic("F2B clientID is missing")
ownerName := os.Getenv("F2B_OWNERNAME")
if secret == "" {
panic("F2B ownerName is missing")
cobranca := &f2bwsbilling.F2bCobranca{}
cobranca.XmlNS = ""
cobranca.Mensagem.Numero = "" //Your own document identification number
cobranca.Mensagem.Data = time.Now().Format("2006-01-02")
cobranca.Mensagem.Tipo_ws = "WebService"
cobranca.Sacador.Conta = clientID
cobranca.Sacador.Value = ownerName
cobranca.Cobranca.Num_document = 0
cobranca.Cobranca.Tipo_cobranca = "" //C= Cartao Credito B= Boleto D= Debito T= Transferencia Online "" = Todos
demonstrativo := []string{ "Description: xxxx " , "Another line of description ..."}
cobranca.Cobranca.Demonstrativo = demonstrativo
cobranca.Cobranca.Valor = 10 //The value
cobranca.Agendamento.Vencimento = time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, 3).Format("2006-01-02") //Add 3 days after today :D
cobranca.Agendamento.Value = ""
Sacado := f2bwsbilling.Sacado{}
Sacado.Grupo = "Some Group" //This will group all the docs registered
Sacado.Nome = "Diego Garcia"
Sacado.Cpf = "" //Brazilian CPF doc
Sacado.Email = "[email protected]"
Sacado.Envio = "e" //e = email, p = correios, b = ambos, n = nenhum
Sacado.Atualizar = "s" //s = sim, n = não
Sacados := []f2bwsbilling.Sacado{Sacado}
cobranca.Sacado = Sacados
client := f2bwsbilling.NewWSBillingPortType("", false, nil)
result, err := client.RegisterWSBilling(cobranca)
if err != nil {
log.Print(result.Cobranca[0].Url) //This return the Url that your customer can pay your document.