- main - Contains all code and the most relevant data
- data - Contains all code and all data (from grid searches)
Please make sure that the 'make' package is installed in your system.
- Install conda
# Download latest anaconda version
wget https://repo.anaconda.com/archive/Anaconda3-2024.02-1-Linux-x86_64.sh -O conda.sh
# Make script executable
chmod +x conda.sh
# Install anaconda (optionally providing a custom prefix '-p /opt/conda')
./conda.sh -b -p /opt/conda
- Setup conda environment
# Create a conda environment (with boost-cpp and gxx being optional, only necessary for e.g. a bare ubuntu docker)
conda create --name shtm-pynn -c conda-forge nest-simulator=3.6.0 boost-cpp gxx_linux-64
# Source new environment
conda activate shtm-pynn
# Add shtm-pynn package to Python Path
export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/repository:$PYTHONPATH
# Alternatively, install the package
cd /path/to/repository
pip install .
- Install custom neuron
# Make sure to source conda environment
conda activate shtm-pynn
# Make sure that the repository is available on the Python Path
export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/repository:$PYTHONPATH
# Install neuron into current nest installation
python test/install_mc_neuron.py
- (Optional) Install custom PyNN-Nest version to remove "initial values" messages.
# Make sure to source conda environment
conda activate shtm-pynn
# Download branch fixes
git clone -b fixes [email protected]:dietriro/PyNN.git
# Change directory into new repository
cd PyNN
# Install custom PyNN package
pip install .
- Add instructions for BSS-2 installation/use
- Add additional folders to installation (setup.py): config, data