JScreen is a Java Swing component which provides a text screen display.
It was conceived to enable porting old DOS programs to a modern cross-platform environment, while retaining their original look and feel. But it was also designed to enable non-PC text modes, given suitable fonts and character mapping.
Getting started is this simple:
import net.digger.ui.screen.JScreen;
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
JScreen screen = JScreen.createJScreenWindow();
screen.print("Hello world.");
The sample programs in JScreen-Demo show off some more of what JScreen can do. And, of course, the source is available to learn every nuance.
JScreen has the following modules:
- JScreen The main JScreen library.
- JScreen-Demo Demo programs for JScreen.
- JScreen-Fonts-IBM IBM PC font pack for JScreen.
- JScreen-Fonts-CBM Commodore font pack for JScreen.
JScreen is provided under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 (LGPLv3).