Added configuration option to the site settings for official locales to be shown in a language switcher
Added language switcher to the i18n module, available to be pulled into a theme
Added configurable Annotation Studio version allowing new versions to be selected and used without a deployment.
Added new hidden UI for administrating canvases which lets you re-ingest a thumbnail if it had previously failed.
Local tool (for now) to build pre-release docker tags, without creating a latest tag to be manually pushed to Dockerhub.
Added new CLI tool for getting all of the Madoc templates that can be added into a theme.
Added basic public user profiles
Added option to show email on public user profiles (logged in only)
Added option for semi-public profiles, requiring authentication
Added new HTTP_PROXY
environment variable support for setting HTTP proxy for requesting IIIF resources
environment variables to easily configure an HTTP proxy.
environment variable for internal network requests
environment variable for annotation indexer service
environment variable for elasticsearch service
environment variables for annotation indexer service
environment variable for search indexer
Added elasticsearch to base docker compose
Added Jane Founda IIIF Search service
Added Madoc Indexer service
Added constraints to thumbnail size with customisable import options (1000px max)
Added final case for partOf that matches original id
Added extra check for manifest when only canvas is provided
Added simple statistics module, talking to Elasticsearch
Added option for static thumbnail URL
Added logging of duplicate Omeka IDs when requesting manifests
Added expensive option for resolving Omeka ID from IIIF resource ID
Added warning for admin users when they are on a duplicated manifest page
Added manifest statistics subscriber to track statistics
Added new Search Omeka module to index created annotations in Elasticsearch
Added annotation statistics age block, powered by Elasticsearch
Added redirect for single collection sites when viewing entire collection
🐛 Fixes
Fixed bug where canvas ID list may be only a single element
Fixed inaccurate "total images" count on manifest snippet block
Fixed inaccurate "total images" count on manifest list by hiding it
Fixed inaccurate "total images" count on collections by hiding it
Fixed transcriber role issue
Fixed "Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes" when adding very large IIIF manifests.
Fixed import canvas reference when importing a manifest with previously imported canvases.
Fixed IIIF requesting resources not using the HTTP client configuration from Omeka
Fixed stale docker images on CI
Fixed default locale on Annotation Studio (en)
Fixed missing styles for in-progress crowd-sourcing pages
Fixed error during import of images with thumbnails (thumbnail image service)
Fixed error when duplicate canvases where imported into single manifest
Moved media helpers to shared modules
Fixed unhandled exception in top contributor page block
Fixed bug with checking if canvas inside of manifest
Fixes contrast issue when marking page as complete (Fixes #111 )
Fixed mark page as incomplete behaviour
Fixed user statistics on profile page
Fixed missing translations in Admin site
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