Added support for capture model "structure" in project templates
Missing translations for capture models
Added support for new capture model editor in review screen
Added ability for Admins to "reset" capture models and remove contributions
New configuration option for session refresh window (default 24 hours)
Updated react-beautiful-dnd with React 17 support
Updated react-accessible-dropdown-menu-hook
Updated styled-components
Updated React + React DOM to v17
Added new experimental Universal Viewer page block
[Internal] Added new "api.crowdsourcing" namespace to consolidate crowdsourcing APIs together.
[internal] Added better debugging names for capture model slots in React devtools
Added more APIs to
package (still experimental) for plugins to use.
Added page for users to see their other sites from the dashboard
Added new option to capture model autocomplete to make an initial request
Added filtering and ordering to site listing page
Fixed bug with resolving image services on content resources without heights/widths (via @atlas-viewer/iiif-image-api )
Fixed bug where "No document exists" would appear multiple times in the sidebar
Fixed bug where logged-out user would make requests to personal notes (with a 401)
Fixed missing annotations on model page
Fixed message "Maximum number of contributors reached" for logged-out user
Fixed bug where short submissions would appear collapsed in sidebar
Fixed re-fetching on window focus
Fixed bug where draft annotations could be seen
Skip choice in capture model when only one option
Fixed "Back to choices" taking the user back too far
Fixed double button issue where "Back to choices" would appear next to "Back"
Fixed text wrapping of "Next [entity]" and "Prev [entity]" on capture model navigation
Added missing translation tags to "Next [entity]" and "Prev [entity]"
Fixed i18next-react integration with capture models
Fixed layout styling with capture model editor
Fixed "changes requested" notification
Fixed missing cache-control headers on static assets
Fixed "total collections" count when listing sites
Fixed bug with sessions not refreshing when loading pages
Fixed bug with cookie expire time not taking into account the refresh window
Fixed keyboard navigation in top right menu
Fixed broken manifest link in activity stream and exported manifests
[internal] Fixed corrupted translation saving in development
Fixed server-side rendering bug with dropdowns
Fixed returning 200 status codes with no return body (changed to 204)
Fixed scrolling overflow in admin menu
Fixed missing title for site configuration + navigation
Fixed title of "create site" page
Fixed error message when sending user activation email
Fixed bug with users being able to be created with the same email
Fixed missing @context
on exported Manifests
Fixed image service (via hyperion framework)
Removed redundant "Back to resource" button from crowdsourcing review page
[dev dependency] Removed unused fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin
Updated immer 8 -> 9 CVE-2021-23436 | CVE-2021-3757
Updated vm2 3.9.3 -> 3.9.5 CVE-2021-23449
Updated PM2 4 -> 5 Changelog
Updated BullMQ Changelog
[dev dependency] Updated Jest 26 -> 27
[dev dependency] Updated Webpack 4 -> 5
[dev dependency] Updated babel
Updated Node to latest LTS
[dev dependency] Various security patches
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