This is a playground for experiments with Spark! Who's got two thumbs and is excited...!?
On a Mac, run brew update
and brew install apache-spark sbt
to install the latest version of
Spark and the Scala sbt
build system.
To get started playing, run spark-shell
and follow the
Spark Quick Start guide for some examples of
simple interactive processing.
The Scala experiments code is located in the standard directory layout at src/main/scala
To build the various experiments into a jar for submitting to spark:
$ sbt package
$ spark-submit --class playground.HardFeelings --master local[4] target/scala-2.10/spark-playground_*.jar
To develop in Eclipse (like the Scala IDE), initialize or update the Scala project by running:
$ sbt eclipse
- Implement graphing library
- Figure out general approach to impementing algorithms
- Implement JSON library