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WIP revisit valuation semantics
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matteolimberto-da committed Jan 10, 2023
1 parent 456df75 commit 74b0b31
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50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions src/main/daml/ContingentClaims/Valuation/AcquisitionTime.daml
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@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2022 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

module ContingentClaims.Valuation.AcquisitionTime
( AcquisitionTime(..)
, beforeOrAtToday
, extend
, isNever
) where

import ContingentClaims.Core.Claim (Inequality(..))
import Prelude hiding (Time, sequence, mapA, const)

-- | Acquisition time of a contract in the context of the valuation semantics.
-- It is either a deterministic time (`Time t`) or it is defined based on a list of `Inequality`.
-- For inequalities [i_1, i_2, ..., i_N], the acquisition time is defined as the first instant `t` for which there exist times `t_1 ≤ t_2 ≤ ... ≤ t_N ≤ t` such that `t_k` verifies `i_k` for each `k`.
-- In both cases, the time `t` is a stopping time in the mathematical sense.
data AcquisitionTime t x o
= Time t
-- ^ Acquisition at time `t`.
| AtInequality { inequalities : [Inequality t x o] }
-- ^ Acquisition when inequalities are verified. The order of the inequalities matters (see definition above).
| Never
-- ^ Acquisition never happens.
deriving (Eq,Show)

-- | Given an inequality and an acquisition time τ1, it returns the acquisition time τ2 corresponding to the first instant such that
-- - the inequality is verified
-- - τ2 ≥ τ1
-- The name `extend` comes from the fact that we are extending the set of inequality constraints that need to be verified.
extend : (Ord t) => Inequality t x o -> AcquisitionTime t x o -> AcquisitionTime t x o
extend _ Never = Never
extend (TimeGte s) (Time t) = Time $ max s t
extend (TimeLte s) (Time t) | s >= t = Time t
extend (TimeLte s) (Time t) = Never
extend ineq@(Lte _) (Time t) = AtInequality [TimeGte t, ineq]
extend ineq (AtInequality ineqs) = AtInequality $ ineqs <> [ineq]

-- | Checks if an acquisition time falls before or at the today date.
-- `None` is returned if the acquisition time is unknown.
beforeOrAtToday : (Ord t) => t -> AcquisitionTime t x a -> Optional Bool
beforeOrAtToday _ Never = Some False
beforeOrAtToday today (Time s) = Some $ s <= today
beforeOrAtToday today (AtInequality _) = None

-- | Checks if an acquisition time is `Never`.
-- This is used to avoid requiring the (Eq o) constraint.
isNever : AcquisitionTime t x a -> Bool
isNever Never = True
isNever _ = False
212 changes: 212 additions & 0 deletions src/main/daml/ContingentClaims/Valuation/Expression.daml
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-- Copyright (c) 2022 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

module ContingentClaims.Valuation.Expression (
) where

import ContingentClaims.Core.Claim (Inequality(..))
import ContingentClaims.Valuation.AcquisitionTime(AcquisitionTime(..))
import DA.Foldable
import DA.Traversable
import Daml.Control.Recursion
import Prelude hiding (Time, sequence, mapA, const)

-- | Represents an algebraic expression of a t-adapted stochastic process.
-- t : time parameter.
-- x : state parameter, typically Decimal (our best approximation of real numbers).
-- o : reference used to identify observables.
-- b : type describing elementary processes.
data Expr t x o b
= Const x
-- ^ A constant process.
| Proc { name : b }
-- ^ An elementary process which we cannot decompose further.
-- | Sup { lowerBound: t, tau: t, rv : Expr t }
-- -- ^ Sup, needs to be reworked using feasible exercise strategies.
| Sum [Expr t x o b]
-- ^ Sum process.
| Neg (Expr t x o b)
-- ^ Negation process.
| Mul (Expr t x o b, Expr t x o b)
-- ^ Multiplication of two processes (`p1 * p2`).
| Inv (Expr t x o b)
-- ^ Inverse of a process (`1 / p`).
| Max [Expr t x o b]
-- ^ Maximum process.
| I (Inequality t x o)
-- ^ Indicator function. I(p) is 1 if p(t) = True, False otherwise, where
-- `p` is the boolean process corresponding to the provided inequality.
-- Specifically, this means
-- - for `o1 ≤ o2`, `p = υ(o1) ≤ υ(o2)`
-- - for `TimeGte t`, `p(s) = s ≥ t`
-- - for `TimeLte t`, `p(s) = s ≤ t`
| E { process : Expr t x o b, time : AcquisitionTime t x o, filtration : AcquisitionTime t x o }
-- ^ Conditional expectation of `process(time)` conditioned on the filtration F_`t`.
-- | Snell { process : Expr t x o b, time : AcquisitionTime t x o, predicate : Inequality t x o}
-- -- ^ Snell envelope of a stochastic process.
-- -- We need the predicate to identify the feasible region
-- -- I feel that we need the acquisition time to identify the conditional filtration, but it might not be needed.
-- | Absorb { process : Expr t x o b, time : AcquisitionTime t x o, predicate : Inequality t x o}
-- -- ^ Absorb primitive.
-- -- It feels that absorb hides an expectation, but I need to write this down in formulas for better understanding.
-- In order to write until valuation explicitly, we need to introduce a new class of boolean processes, namely those that we start observing at a time tau and have never been true since (we can then use an indicator function to transform it to a real process)
-- We can use the absorb primitive to cover this case, which we can then distribute. across the other primitives.
deriving (Eq,Show)

-- | Base functor for `Expr`.
data ExprF t x o b c
= ConstF x
| ProcF { name : b }
-- | Sup { lowerBound: t, tau: t, rv : Expr t }
| SumF [c]
| NegF c
| MulF { lhs : c, rhs : c }
| InvF c
| MaxF [c]
| I_F (Inequality t x o)
| E_F { process : c, time : AcquisitionTime t x o, filtration : AcquisitionTime t x o }
deriving (Functor)

instance Recursive (Expr t x o b) (ExprF t x o b) where
project (Const d) = ConstF d
project Proc{..} = ProcF with ..
-- project Sup{..} = SupF with ..
project (Sum xs) = SumF xs
project (Neg x) = NegF x
project (Mul (x,x')) = MulF x x'
project (Inv x) = InvF x
project (Max xs) = MaxF xs
project (I x) = I_F x
project E{..} = E_F with ..

instance Corecursive (Expr t x o b) (ExprF t x o b) where
embed (ConstF d) = Const d
embed ProcF{..} = Proc with ..
-- embed SupF{..} = Sup with ..
embed (SumF xs) = Sum xs
embed (NegF x) = Neg x
embed (MulF x x') = Mul (x, x')
embed (InvF x) = Inv x
embed (MaxF xs) = Max xs
embed (I_F x) = I x
embed E_F{..} = E with ..

instance Foldable (ExprF t x o b) where
foldMap f (ConstF _) = mempty
foldMap f (ProcF _) = mempty
-- foldMap f (SupF _ _ x) = f x
foldMap f (SumF xs) = foldMap f xs
foldMap f (NegF x) = f x
foldMap f (MulF x x') = f x <> f x'
foldMap f (InvF x) = f x
foldMap f (MaxF xs) = foldMap f xs
foldMap f (I_F _) = mempty
foldMap f (E_F x _ _) = f x

instance Traversable (ExprF t x o b) where
sequence (ConstF d) = pure $ ConstF d
sequence (ProcF x) = pure $ ProcF x
-- sequence (SupF t τ fa) = SupF t τ <$> fa
sequence (SumF [fa]) = (\a -> SumF [a]) <$> fa
sequence (SumF (fa :: fas)) = s <$> fa <*> sequence fas
where s a as = SumF (a :: as)
sequence (SumF []) = error "Traversable ExprF: sequence empty SumF"
sequence (NegF fa) = NegF <$> fa
sequence (MulF fa fa') = MulF <$> fa <*> fa'
sequence (InvF fa) = InvF <$> fa
sequence (MaxF (fa :: fas)) = s <$> fa <*> sequence fas
where s a as = MaxF (a :: as)
sequence (MaxF []) = error "Traversable ExprF: sequence empty MaxF"
sequence (I_F p) = pure $ I_F p
sequence (E_F fa t f) = (\a -> E_F a t f) <$> fa

instance (Additive x) => Additive (Expr t x o b) where
x + y = Sum [x, y]
negate = Neg
aunit = Const aunit

instance (Multiplicative x) => Multiplicative (Expr t x o b) where
(*) = curry Mul
munit = Const munit
x ^ y | y > 0 = x * (x ^ pred y)
x ^ 0 = munit
x ^ y = Inv x ^ (-y)

instance (Multiplicative x) => Divisible (Expr t x o b) where
x / y = curry Mul x $ Inv y

-- | This is meant to be a function that algebraically simplifies the FAPF by
-- 1) using simple identities and ring laws
-- 2) change of numeraire technique.
simplify : (Eq x, Eq b, Eq t, Eq o, Multiplicative x) => Expr t x o b -> Expr t x o b
simplify =
cata unitIdentity
-- . cata zeroIdentity
. cata factNeg
-- . \case [] -> Const aunit
-- [x] -> x
-- xs -> Sum xs
-- . cata distSum
-- . ana commuteLeft
-- . cata mulBeforeSum

-- {- Functions below here are helpers for simplifying the expression tree, used mainly in `simplify` -}

-- | Algebra that simplifies sums, multiplications, expectations involving 0.0.
-- BUG I need to add an additive typeclass constraint, otherwise aunit is just a pattern match.
zeroIdentity : ExprF t x o b (Expr t x o b) -> Expr t x o b
zeroIdentity (MulF (Const aunit) x) = Const aunit
zeroIdentity (MulF x (Const aunit)) = Const aunit
zeroIdentity (SumF xs) = Sum $ filter (not . isZero) xs
where isZero (Const aunit) = True
isZero _ = False
zeroIdentity (E_F (Const aunit) _ _) = Const aunit
zeroIdentity other = embed other

-- | Algebra that simplifies multiplications and divisions by 1.0.
unitIdentity : (Eq x, Eq b, Eq t, Eq o, Multiplicative x) => ExprF t x o b (Expr t x o b) -> Expr t x o b
unitIdentity (MulF a b) | a == munit = b
unitIdentity (MulF a b) | b == munit = a
unitIdentity (InvF x) | x == munit = munit
unitIdentity other = embed other

-- | Algebra that collects and simplifies minuses.
factNeg : ExprF t x o b (Expr t x o b) -> Expr t x o b
factNeg (NegF (Neg x)) = x
-- factNeg (MulF (Neg x) (Neg y)) = Mul (x, y) -- [ML] I think this is redundant
factNeg (MulF (Neg x) y) = Neg $ Mul (x, y)
factNeg (MulF y (Neg x)) = Neg $ Mul (y, x)
factNeg (E_F (Neg x) t f) = Neg $ E x t f
factNeg other = embed other

-- -- | Turn any expression into a list of terms to be summed together
-- distSum : ExprF t x o b [Expr t x o b] -> [Expr t x o b]
-- distSum = \case
-- ConstF x -> [Const x]
-- SumF xs -> join xs
-- MulF xs xs' -> curry Mul <$> xs <*> xs'
-- NegF xs -> Neg <$> xs
-- E_F xs t -> flip E t <$> xs
-- I_F xs xs' -> [I (unroll xs, unroll xs')]
-- ProcF{..} -> [Proc{..}]
-- where unroll xs = Sum xs

-- | Algebra that changes `(a + b) x c` to `c x (a + b)`
-- mulBeforeSum : ExprF t x o b (Expr t x o b) -> Expr t x o b
-- mulBeforeSum (MulF y@Sum{} x) = Mul (x, y)
-- mulBeforeSum (MulF (Mul (x, y@Sum{})) x') = Mul (Mul (x,x'), y)
-- mulBeforeSum other = embed other

-- | Algebra that applies commutative property to all multiplications.
-- commute : ExprF t x o b (Expr t x o b) -> Expr t x o b
-- commute (MulF a b) = embed $ MulF b a
-- commute other = embed other

-- | Change e.g. `a x (b x c)` to `(a x b) x c`.
-- We are not using commutative property, but rather associative --> should rename
-- commuteLeft : Expr t x o b -> ExprF t x o b (Expr t x o b)
-- commuteLeft (Mul (a,(Mul (b, c)))) = Mul (a, b) `MulF` c
-- commuteLeft other = project other
71 changes: 0 additions & 71 deletions src/main/daml/ContingentClaims/Valuation/Stochastic.daml
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Expand Up @@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ module ContingentClaims.Valuation.Stochastic (
, fapf
, gbm
, riskless
, simplify
, unitIdentity
) where

import ContingentClaims.Core.Internal.Claim (Claim(..), Inequality(..))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -191,72 +189,3 @@ fapf ccy disc exch val today = flip evalState 0 . futuM coalg . Left . (, today)
val' obs t = ProcF (show obs) (val obs) t
one = munit
zero = aunit

-- | This is meant to be a function that algebraically simplifies the FAPF by
-- 1) using simple identities and ring laws
-- 2) change of numeraire technique.
-- This is still an experimental feature.
simplify : Expr t -> Expr t
simplify =
cata unitIdentity
. cata zeroIdentity
. cata factNeg
. \case [] -> Const aunit
[x] -> x
xs -> Sum xs
. cata distSum
. ana commuteLeft
. cata mulBeforeSum

{- Functions below are helpers for simplifying the expression tree, used mainly in `simplify` -}

zeroIdentity : ExprF t (Expr t) -> Expr t
zeroIdentity (MulF (Const 0.0) x) = Const 0.0
zeroIdentity (MulF x (Const 0.0)) = Const 0.0
zeroIdentity (PowF x (Const 0.0)) = Const 1.0
zeroIdentity (SumF xs) = Sum $ filter (not . isZero) xs
where isZero (Const 0.0) = True
isZero _ = False
zeroIdentity (E_F (Const 0.0) _) = Const 0.0
zeroIdentity other = embed other

-- | HIDE
unitIdentity : ExprF t (Expr t) -> Expr t
unitIdentity (MulF (Const 1.0) x) = x
unitIdentity (MulF x (Const 1.0)) = x
unitIdentity (PowF x (Const 1.0)) = x
unitIdentity other = embed other

factNeg : ExprF t (Expr t) -> Expr t
factNeg (NegF (Neg x)) = x
factNeg (MulF (Neg x) (Neg y)) = Mul (x, y)
factNeg (MulF (Neg x) y) = Neg $ Mul (x, y)
factNeg (MulF y (Neg x)) = Neg $ Mul (y, x)
factNeg (E_F (Neg x) t) = Neg $ E x t
factNeg other = embed other

-- | Turn any expression into a list of terms to be summed together
distSum : ExprF t [Expr t] -> [Expr t]
distSum = \case
ConstF x -> [Const x]
IdentF x -> [Ident x]
SumF xs -> join xs
MulF xs xs' -> curry Mul <$> xs <*> xs'
NegF xs -> Neg <$> xs
E_F xs t -> flip E t <$> xs
I_F xs xs' -> [I (unroll xs, unroll xs')]
PowF xs is -> [Pow (unroll xs, unroll is)]
ProcF{..} -> [Proc{..}]
SupF t τ xs -> [Sup t τ (unroll xs)]
where unroll xs = Sum xs

-- | Change `(a + b) x c` to `c x (a + b)`
mulBeforeSum : ExprF t (Expr t) -> Expr t
mulBeforeSum (MulF y@Sum{} x) = Mul (x, y)
mulBeforeSum (MulF (Mul (x, y@Sum{})) x') = Mul (Mul (x,x'), y)
mulBeforeSum other = embed other

-- | Change e.g. `a x (b x c)` to `(a x b) x c`
commuteLeft : Expr t -> ExprF t (Expr t)
commuteLeft (Mul (x,(Mul (a, b)))) = Mul (x, a) `MulF` b
commuteLeft other = project other

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