This docker image has been tested with podman under RHEL8. If you are using Scientific Linux 7.6 or above, you can install podman with:
sudo yum -y install yum-conf-extras
sudo yum -y install podman
Assuming you have a /scratch
directory on your host OS and the user you logged in as have read/write access to it, you can start the container with (otherwise, change the volume mount to the full path to another directory you have read/write access to):
podman run --privileged=true -ti -e DISPLAY --rm -v /scratch:/scratch --net=host dingpf/artdaq
In the container, you can do the following to run artdaq-demo
(using artdaq-demo v3_06_01
as an example):
cd /scratch
chmod +x
# Pull UPS products and compile artdaq packages
./ --tag v3_06_01
# Setting up environment to run the demo
source setupARTDAQDEMO
setup artdaq_daqinterface v3_06_01
export DAQINTERFACE_USER_SOURCEFILE=$PWD/DAQInterface/user_sourcefile_example
# Now run the demo
ipcrm -a;./ --config demo --comps component{01..02} --no_om --runduration 20