Once in the clisp-interpreter folder, run
node repl.js
If node is not installed, it can be installed via Homebrew
brew install node
Testing suite is up-to-date: run npm run test
Quit using (quit)
or (QUIT)
In depth paper included as Senior_Project.pdf
Loading a file
- (load 'lisp-file.lisp) loads in a file called 'lisp-file.lisp' however the extension doesn't matter for this program, as long as the filename is prefixed with a quote symbol
Defining new functions
- Can only be on one line i.e. (defun averageNum (n1 n2 n3 n4) (/ (+ n1 n2 n3 n4) 4))
- Calling a user-defined function binds the local variable name with that value
- (averageNum 1 2 3 4) binds parameters n1 to 1, n2 to 2, n3 to 3, n4 to 4
Setting new global variables using setq
- (setq a 1 b 2 c 3) sets a to 1, b to 2, c to 3
- (setq a 3) updates the value of a to 3
List operators cdr and cons
- (car (cdr (cdr '(a b c d))))
Better and more informative error messages that don't crash the program
Evaluation of number atoms
- 5, +5, -5
Basic calculations involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and integer divison.
Able to handle multiple arguments to +, -, *
- (+ 1 2 3)
- (- 3 2 1)
- (* 3 3 3)
Integer division handles only two arguements.
- (/ 6 3)
Nested expressions
- addition (+ 3 (+ 2 9)) = 11
- multiple operators (+ 8 (* 3 3)) = 17
- more than two arguments to a nested expression
- (+ 5 (+ 2 3 4)) = 14
- (/ 8 (* 1 2 1)) = 4
- (+ (- 5 4) (+ 1 3)) = 5
Truth evaluations: > , <, >=, <=,$ =, equal, /=
Quote, null, nil
Basic list operators: listp, cons, list
- (list (+ 3 2) 4 9) = (5 4 9)
If statements:
- (if (< 3 4) (+ 1 2) (/ 5 8)) = 3
- (if (< (+ 3 4) (- 20 4)) (3) (4)) = 3
Global variables
- (setq x 5)
- (+ 1 x) /* should print 6 */
More examples are included in my testing suite in the file klisp.test.js
Implemented as a Node module defined in the file error.js
Custom-defined errors that print messages but do not end the program
- Parenthesis matching
- Allow user to continue input if they leave off a closing parenthesis
- Local variables - let, do, function, progn, lambdas
- Can not handle recursion - our-member test function infinitely runs.
- Double quotes do not work