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dinosaure committed Feb 2, 2024
1 parent 413a65a commit c41a52a
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Showing 26 changed files with 958 additions and 158 deletions.
160 changes: 85 additions & 75 deletions bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
open Stdbob

type value = Value : 'a Bob_protocol.Protocol.packet * 'a -> value

let error_msgf fmt = Fmt.kstr (fun msg -> Error (`Msg msg)) fmt

(* XXX(dinosaure): copy-pasta with [], TODO! *)
module Crypto = Bob_unix.Crypto.Make (struct
include Bob_unix.Fiber
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -31,8 +27,9 @@ module Crypto = Bob_unix.Crypto.Make (struct
and go fd bstr off len =
Fiber.write fd bstr ~off ~len >>= function
| Error _ as err -> Fiber.return err
| Ok len' when len' = len -> Fiber.return (Ok ())
| Ok len' -> go fd bstr (off + len') (len - len')
| Ok len' ->
if len' - len <= 0 then Fiber.return (Ok ())
else go fd bstr (off + len') (len - len')

module Clear = struct
Expand All @@ -56,100 +53,105 @@ module Bob_clear = struct
include Bob_unix.Make (Clear)

let rec talk secure_flow value =
let rec run_protocol secure_flow value =
let open Fiber in
match value with
| Bob_protocol.State.Return value -> Fiber.return (Ok value)
| Bob_protocol.State.Error err -> Fiber.return (Error err)
| Bob_protocol.State.Write { buffer; off; len; continue } ->
| Bob_protocol.Protocol.Return value -> Fiber.return (Ok value)
| Bob_protocol.Protocol.Error err -> Fiber.return (Error err)
| Bob_protocol.Protocol.Write { buffer; off; len; continue } ->
Logs.debug (fun m ->
m "~> @[<hov>%a@]"
(Hxd_string.pp Hxd.default)
(String.sub buffer off len));
let { Cstruct.buffer; off; len } = Cstruct.of_string buffer ~off ~len in
Crypto.send secure_flow buffer ~off ~len
>>| Result.map_error (fun err -> `Read err)
>>? fun len -> talk secure_flow (continue len)
| Bob_protocol.State.Read { buffer; off; len = _; continue } -> (
>>? fun len -> run_protocol secure_flow (continue len)
| Bob_protocol.Protocol.Read { buffer; off; len = _; continue } -> (
Crypto.recv secure_flow >>| Result.map_error (fun err -> `Write err)
>>? function
| `End -> talk secure_flow (continue `End)
| `End -> run_protocol secure_flow (continue `End)
| `Data bstr ->
let len = Bigarray.Array1.dim bstr in
bigstring_blit_to_bytes bstr ~src_off:0 buffer ~dst_off:off ~len;
talk secure_flow (continue (`Len len)))

let send stdin state secure_flow =
let open Fiber in
getline stdin >>= function
| None ->
talk secure_flow
(Bob_protocol.Protocol.encode state Bob_protocol.Protocol.quit ())
>>? fun () -> Fiber.return (Ok `Quit)
| Some cmd -> (
let v =
match cmd with
| "ping" -> Ok (Value (, ()))
| "pong" -> Ok (Value (Bob_protocol.Protocol.pong, ()))
| cmd -> error_msgf "Invalid command: %S" cmd
match v with
| Ok (Value (packet, value)) ->
talk secure_flow (Bob_protocol.Protocol.encode state packet value)
>>? fun () -> Fiber.return (Ok `Sent)
| Error _ as err -> Fiber.return err)

let recv state secure_flow =
let open Fiber in
talk secure_flow
(Bob_protocol.Protocol.decode state Bob_protocol.Protocol.any)
>>? fun (Any (packet, value)) ->
Fiber.return (Ok (`Received (Value (packet, value))))

let rec pp_value ppf (Value (packet, value)) =
match packet with
| Bob_protocol.Protocol.Any ->
let (Any (packet, value)) = value in
pp_value ppf (Value (packet, value))
| Ping | Pong | Quit -> Bob_protocol.Protocol.pp ppf packet

let rec repl stdin state secure_flow =
let open Fiber in
(fun () -> send stdin state secure_flow)
(fun () -> recv state secure_flow)
>>? function
| `Quit -> Fiber.return (Ok ())
| `Sent -> "# %!";
repl stdin state secure_flow
| `Received value -> "\n~> %a\n%!# %!" pp_value value;
repl stdin state secure_flow
Logs.debug (fun m ->
m "<~ @[<hov>%a@]"
(Hxd_string.pp Hxd.default)
(Bytes.sub_string buffer off len));
run_protocol secure_flow (continue (`Len len)))

let sockaddr_with_secure_port sockaddr secure_port =
match sockaddr with
| Unix.ADDR_INET (inet_addr, _) -> Unix.ADDR_INET (inet_addr, secure_port)
| Unix.ADDR_UNIX _ -> invalid_arg "Invalid sockaddr"

let run g he addr secure_port password reproduce =
let on_error on_error k =
let open Fiber in
k () >>= function
| Error err -> on_error err >>= fun () -> Fiber.return (Error err)
| Ok _ as value -> Fiber.return value

type error =
[ `Msg of string
| `Handshake of Bob_clear.error
| `Write of Crypto.error
| `Read of Crypto.write_error
| `Connect of Clear.error
| Bob_protocol.Protocol.error
| Bob_protocol.Machine.error
| Bob_unix.error ]

let run person g he addr secure_port password reproduce =
let open Fiber in
Bob_happy_eyeballs.connect he addr >>? fun (sockaddr, socket) ->
Bob_clear.client socket ~reproduce
~choose:(Fun.const (Fiber.return `Accept))
~g password
(match person with
| `Bob ->
let secret, _ = Spoke.generate ~g ~password ~algorithm:Spoke.Pbkdf2 16 in
Bob_clear.server socket ~reproduce ~g secret
| `Alice ->
Bob_clear.client socket ~reproduce
~choose:(Fun.const (Fiber.return `Accept))
~g password)
>>| Result.map_error (fun err -> `Handshake err)
>>? fun (_identity, ciphers, shared_keys) ->
>>? fun (identity, ciphers, shared_keys) -> ">>> Found a peer: %S\n%!" identity;
let sockaddr = sockaddr_with_secure_port sockaddr secure_port in
let domain = Unix.domain_of_sockaddr sockaddr in
Fiber.connect socket sockaddr >>| reword_error (fun err -> `Connect err)
>>? fun () ->
let { Unix.p_proto; _ } =
try Unix.getprotobyname "tcp"
with _ ->
(* fail on Windows *) { p_name = "tcp"; p_aliases = [||]; p_proto = 0 }
let socket = Unix.socket ~cloexec:true domain Unix.SOCK_STREAM p_proto in
Fiber.connect socket sockaddr >>| reword_error (fun err -> `Connect err)
>>? fun () ->
on_error (fun _err -> Fiber.close socket) @@ fun () ->
Bob_unix.init_peer socket ~identity
>>| Result.map_error (fun err -> (err :> error))
>>? fun () ->
let ciphers, shared_keys =
match person with
| `Bob -> (ciphers, shared_keys)
| `Alice -> (flip ciphers, flip shared_keys)
let secure_flow = Bob_unix.Crypto.make ~ciphers ~shared_keys socket in
let state = Bob_protocol.Protocol.state () in
repl Unix.stdin state secure_flow >>= fun res ->
Fiber.close socket >>= fun () -> Fiber.return res
let monad =
match person with
| `Bob ->
let metadata = Bob_protocol.Metadata.v1 ~size:1L `File in
Bob_protocol.Machine.bob ~metadata state
| `Alice -> Bob_protocol.Machine.alice state
run_protocol secure_flow monad
>>| Result.map_error (fun err -> (err :> error))
>>? function
| `Ready_to_send -> Fiber.close socket >>= fun () -> Fiber.return (Ok ())
| `Ready_to_resume _resume ->
Fiber.close socket >>= fun () -> Fiber.return (Ok ())
| `Ready_to_recv _metadata ->
Fiber.close socket >>= fun () -> Fiber.return (Ok ())
| `Quit -> Fiber.return (Error (`Read `Closed))

let pp_error ppf = function
| `Msg err -> ppf "%s" err
Expand All @@ -159,9 +161,11 @@ let pp_error ppf = function
| `Write err -> Crypto.pp_error ppf err
| `Read err -> Crypto.pp_write_error ppf err
| `Connect err -> Clear.pp_error ppf err
| #Bob_unix.error as err -> Bob_unix.pp_error ppf err
| #Bob_protocol.Machine.error as err -> Bob_protocol.Machine.pp_error ppf err

let run _quiet g () (_, he) addr secure_port password reproduce =
match (run g he addr secure_port password reproduce) with
let run _quiet g () (_, he) addr secure_port password person reproduce =
match (run person g he addr secure_port password reproduce) with
| Ok () -> `Ok 0
| Error err ->
Fmt.epr "%s: %a.\n%!" Sys.argv.(0) pp_error err;
Expand All @@ -174,15 +178,21 @@ let password =
let doc = "The password to share." in
Arg.(required & pos 0 (some string) None & info [] ~doc ~docv:"<password>")

let person =
let flags = [ (`Alice, [ "alice" ]); (`Bob, [ "bob" ]) ] in
Arg.(value & vflag `Alice flags)

let term =
(const run $ term_setup_logs $ term_setup_random $ term_setup_temp
$ term_setup_dns $ relay $ secure_port $ password $ reproduce))
$ term_setup_dns $ relay $ secure_port $ password $ person $ reproduce))

let _cmd =
let cmd =
let doc =
"A simple program to talk with another person via a secured canal."
let man = [ `S Manpage.s_description; `P "" ] in
Cmd.v ( "talk" ~doc ~man) term

let () = exit @@ Cmd.eval' cmd
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ let make ~ciphers:(cipher0, cipher1) ~shared_keys:(k0, k1) fd =
Cstruct.create (2 + max_packet + Cipher_block.tag_size)
let send_record =
let (Symmetric { impl = (module Cipher_block); _ }) = recv in
let (Symmetric { impl = (module Cipher_block); _ }) = send in
Cstruct.create (2 + max_packet + Cipher_block.tag_size)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -239,6 +239,7 @@ module Make (Flow : FLOW) = struct flow.fd >>= function
| Error err -> Flow.return (Error (`Rd err))
| Ok `Eof ->
Log.err (fun m -> m "End of transmission with our peer.");
if await = `Await_hdr then Flow.return (Ok `End)
else Flow.return (Error `Corrupted)
| Ok (`Data cs) ->
Expand Down
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions lib/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,8 +21,6 @@
(name bob)
(public_name bob)
(modules crypto state handshake bob)
(libraries bob.std bob.qe mirage-crypto hxd.core hxd.string logs spoke.core))
(modules crypto state protocol bob)
Expand All @@ -48,6 +46,12 @@
(names bob))
(libraries bob.std bob.fpath ke bheap logs unix))

(name json)
(public_name bob.json)
(modules json)
(libraries jsonm fmt))

(name stream)
Expand Down
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions lib/
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@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
let kind tmp ~offset =
let open Fiber in
let open Stream in ~from:(Source.file ~offset tmp)
~via:(Pack.inflate_entry ~reporter:Fiber.ignore)
~into:Sink.to_string >>= fun (root, source) ->
Fiber.Option.iter Source.dispose source >>= fun () ->
Fiber.return (Git.tree_of_string root) >>? fun elements ->
match List.partition (function `Normal _ -> true | _ -> false) elements with
| [ `Normal name ], [] -> Fiber.return (OK (`File name))
| files, [] ->
let names = (function `Normal name -> name | _ -> assert false) files in
Fiber.return (Ok (`Files names))
| [], [ _directory ] -> Fiber.return (Ok `Directory)
| _ -> Fiber.return (Error `Invalid_first_entry)

let extract ?g ?metadata from destination =
let open Fiber in
let open Stream in
let tmp = Temp.random_temporary_path ?g "pack-%s.pack" in
let via = Flow.(save_into tmp << Pack.analyse ignore) in ~from ~via ~into:Sink.first >>= function
| Some (`End _, _, _, _), _ | None, _ -> Fiber.return (Error `Empty_pack_file)
| Some (`Elt (offset, _status, `Base (`B, _weight)), decoder, src, off), leftover ->
begin kind tmp ~offset >>? fun kind -> match kind, Metadata.kind_of_document metadata with
| `File name, (Some `File | None) -> assert false
| `Files names, (Some `Files | None) -> assert false
| `Directory, (Some `Directory | None) -> assert false
collect_and_verify_with_reporter quiet ~config entry tmp decoder ~src ~off leftover
>>= Pack.unpack tmp
>>? fun (name, total, hash, pack) ->
| _ -> Fiber.return (Error `Unexpected_kind_of_document) end
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions lib/
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Expand Up @@ -195,6 +195,8 @@ let pwr = Hashtbl.create 0x100

let write fd bstr ~off ~len : (int, [ `Closed | `Unix of Unix.error ]) result t
if off < 0 || len < 0 || off > Bigarray.Array1.dim bstr - len then
invalid_arg "Invalid write";
match Hashtbl.find_opt pwr fd with
| Some (`Write (_, ivar)) -> ivar
| _ ->
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
let src = Logs.Src.create "bob.protocol"
let src = Logs.Src.create "bob.handshake"

module Log = (val Logs.src_log src : Logs.LOG)

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