A flutter Kin Ecosystem SDK plugin to use offers features and launch Kin Marketplace.
Unofficial Kin Ecosystem SDK plugin written in Dart for Flutter.
To use this plugin, add flutter_kin_ecosystem_sdk
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
flutter_kin_ecosystem_sdk: '^0.2.1'
import 'package:flutter_kin_ecosystem_sdk/flutter_kin_ecosystem_sdk.dart';
// Generate jwt_token and all jwt by yourself and setting in the plugin to have a response
//userID - your application unique identifier for the user
//appID - your application unique identifier as provided by Kin.
// true - initializing balance observer
// true - production mode (false - playground)
await FlutterKinEcosystemSdk.kinStart(jwt_token, userId, appId, true, true);
To receive some changes in plugin you can use such ones:
// Receive changes from plugin
FlutterKinEcosystemSdk.infoStream.stream.listen((Info info) {
print(info.type + " " + info.message);
if (info.amount != null) print(info.amount);
}, onError: (error) {
throw error;
// Receive balance stream and get all balance changes
FlutterKinEcosystemSdk.balanceStream.stream.listen((int balance) {
}, onError: (error) {});
// A custom Earn offer allows your users to earn Kin
// as a reward for performing tasks you want to incentives,
// such as setting a profile picture or rating your app
// A custom Spend offer allows your users to unlock unique spend opportunities
// that you define within your app
// A custom pay to user offer allows your users to unlock
// unique spend opportunities that you define
// within your app offered by other users
No configuration required - the plugin should work out of the box.