#Healthboard Personal Conditions Tracker (HEPCAT)#
Healthboard Personal Conditions Tracker (HEPCAT) is a mobile application that allows users to track their vital signs, medications and lifestyle activities, and compare these measures against one another. The project is inspired by the quantified self movement and patient-centered care, and hopes to empower patients to take an active role in the management of their health.
HEPCAT is built in HTML5 and uses PhoneGap for native iOS compilation (compilation for Android and other platforms should be easily achievable via PhoneGap). The app uses the AngularJS and Bootstrap frameworks, HighCharts and jQuery Sparkline for charting, and Underscore. On the back-end, HEPCAT uses a Node.js/Mongo REST API forked from MITRE's NodeOnFHIR project, and stores the majority of its data in HL7's FHIR-format.
A working demo of HEPCAT can be viewed at http://ar210.piim.newschool.edu/patient-tracker/www. Note that you must install the Ripple Chrome extension first (detailed in Installation > Install Ripple below) when first launching the demo.
A schema reference detailing the underlying mongo db can be found here.
NOTE that all cd
commands assume you are not already in that directory, and may be skipped if so.
###1. Dependencies###
HEPCAT requires the bower
, curl
, grunt
, mongo
, mongod
, node
, and python
command-line utilities. If entering any of these commands in the terminal result in a command not found
error, please install them.
On OSX, we recommend installing node
and mongo
first (with homebew) then installing the rest with npm
and python
should be installed by default):
(if not already installed orbrew
givescommand not found
):$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/go/install)" $ brew update
(NOTE that XCode must be installed with the Command Line Utilities):$ brew install git $ brew install node $ brew install mongodb
:$ npm install -g bower $ npm install -g grunt-cli
If you're planning on building with PhoneGap,
is also required:$ npm install -g phonegap
###2. Init Server### HEPCAT's server back-end is included in the repo as a git submodule referencing this fork. Do the following to install and configure it.
2a. Fetch server repo:
$ cd [HEPCAT install directory]
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
2b. Install node module dependencies:
$ cd [HEPCAT install directory]
$ npm install
$ cd [HEPCAT install directory]/server
$ npm install
###3. Import Server Data### HEPCAT uses the NDC drug database to drive its list of medications. It is included as a submodule of the Node server (a submodule itself).
Execute the following steps to download the raw data files, parse them into JSON dumps, and import them into the FHIR database.
3a. Create data
$ cd [HEPCAT install directory]/server/import/medications
$ mkdir data
$ cd data
3b. Download and unzip NDC database:
$ curl -O http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/DevelopmentApprovalProcess/UCM070838.zip
$ unzip UCM070838.zip -d ndc
3c. Run the parse script:
$ cd [HEPCAT install directory]/server/import/medications/
$ python parse.py
- Troubleshooting
locale.Error: unsupported locale setting
- run
locale -a
to get locales supported by your system - edit the
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8')
line inparse.py
to match one of the supported locales
- run
3d. Start the node server (if not already running) by following the Running > Start the Node Server section below (NOTE that this terminal tab must stay open)
3e. Import FHIR data (medications
, organizations
and substances
) (NOTE that medications
import can take a few minutes)
$ cd [HEPCAT install directory]/server/import
$ bash load.sh
Verify that the data was imported correctly by executing the following GET request:
###4. Init Environment###
First, install all dev dependencies:
$ cd [HEPCAT install directory]
$ bower install
HEPCAT uses the Grunt Javascript task runner to generate the index file (from the template in /dist/index.tpl.html
) and an environment-specific config file used to expose the API endpoint and a few other environment-specific constants. The app comes with development
, staging
and production
environments, the default being development
, which is meant to be used in-browser. See Gruntfile.js
to edit the environments and their associated API endpoints.
The grunt
command must be run initially and whenever changing environments:
$ cd [HEPCAT install directory]
$ grunt
Before making a build (via phonegap build ios
, for example), we should switch to the staging
or production
environment, one reason being that the phone won't find the server running on localhost.
To generate the initial config file for production:
$ grunt --environment "production"
###5. Install Ripple### Ripple is a Google Chrome extension for emulating PhoneGap applications in the browser. Install Ripple by visiting this link.
Once Ripple has been installed, visit http://localhost/patient-tracker/www (or http://ar210.piim.newschool.edu/patient-tracker/www if viewing the demo) and do the following to configure the page to be viewed in Ripple:
- Click the icon to the right of your URL bar, then choose "Enable" from the dropdown
- When the page reloads, choose "Apache Cordova PhoneGap" from the list of buttons
- When the page reloads again, set the "Settings > Cross Domain Proxy" setting to disabled
- Finally, specify the desired target device under Devices
##Running## ###Start the Node server### $ cd [HEPCAT install directory]/server $ node server
node: command not found
ornpm: command not found
- Install NPM/Node (see [http://howtonode.org/how-to-install-nodejs to install](http://howtonode.org/how-to-install-nodejs to install node) node)
Error: failed to connect to [localhost:27017]
- Start
(leave console window open)
- Start
###Viewing the Application###
- Pull up the application in Chrome by visiting http://localhost/patient-tracker/www
- If you see "Connecting to device" at the top of the page, Ripple is probably not enabled. Please follow the steps outlined in Installation > Install Ripple to configure it properly.
- Test local notifications, debug 'Resetting plugins due to page load' error generated by Xcode
- Add unit tests (Jasmine?)
- Implement design
- Add support for all search params for various FHIR resource types (NodeOnFHIR)
##Licensing## HEPCAT was developed by the Parsons Institute for Information Mapping (PIIM) funded through the Telemedicine & Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC). Its source code is in the Public Domain. OSEHRA is hosting the project and has adopted the Apache 2.0 License for contributions made by community members.