Disable "module_locking" for being able to load external modules on chromeos
For being able to load modules outside /lib/modules from chromeos we will need to disable module_locking.
This can be done by changing the kernel flags. I wrote a little script that does this for you and also has the option to revert the changes.
Open a crosh shell and follow on screen instructions:
$ cd ~/Downloads
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/divx118/crouton-packages/master/change-kernel-flags -o change-kernel-flags
$ sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin
$ sudo cp ~/Downloads/change-kernel-flags /usr/local/bin
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/change-kernel-flags
$ sudo change-kernel-flags
When running sudo change-kernel-flags -h
it will give you the usage.
When you want to revert the changes so put back a backup kernel use -r
sudo change-kernel-flags -r
Note: You will need to repeat the above steps after each chromeos update.
Virtual box modules and the repo is currently broken #45 the change-kernel-flags script to disable "module_locking" mentioned above still works