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Study note
Usage in the following cases:
1, The number of data items is known
2, Access randomly by index. O(1)
1, ArrayList: dynamic resizing array while still having O(1) access
2, StringBuffer: a structure which has the end pointer of a string
Usage in the following cases:
1, The number of data items is unknown
2, Access time > O(1) because the pointer is only for one direction
1, Sentinels: a dummy object in the head or tail of the linked list. Purpose: clarity of the code
2, Runner
Usage in the following cases:
1, Breadth first search (BPF): shortest path, least number of moves
1, Priority queue: not pop oldest, but element with highest value; can be implemented by heap (e.g., always do max heap when push, and put the max value to the front;)
solution1: O(nlogn) + O(1)
- push: heapsort each time[O(nlogn)]; // or other sort algorithm
- pop: pop_back each time[O(1)]
solution2: O(n) + O (n)
- push: buildheap [O (n)]
- pop: swap(begin, end)(O(1)) + pop_back (O(1)) + buildheap (O(n)) [total:O (n) ];
Operations: enqueue, dequeue
Implementation: FIFO + linked list (if queue length is unknown), FIFO + array (if queue length is known)
Usage in the following cases:
1, Recursive function: similar to per-ordered traversal
2, Depth first search
Operations: pop, push, peek
Implementation: LIFO + linked list
an array/a vector, with complete binary search tree feature. maxheapify->buildheap->heapsort.
Concept: root node and multiple child nodes
1, Binary tree: one root node has two child nodes
2, Binary search tree: binary tree that left < current < right key
3, Balanced binary search tree:
- Red-black tree: using colour, height at most 2*lg(n+1); balance: insert, re-colour + rotation;
- AVL tree
4, B-Tree: generalized binary search tree which can have more than two children
6, Tries
Operations: traversal (per-ordered, in-ordered, post-ordered), insert, search, delete
1, DFS: per-ordered traversal
3, BFS: queue
Concept: hash table = table + hash function + collision process;
1, table:
- array/vector: access time: O (1); e.g., std::vector<int, std::list > // use list as a chaining;
- BST: access time O (logN)
2, hash function: index = f (key), key is nature number. If not, then need to map keys to nature numbers.
- division: index = key mod m // m better uses a prime not too close to an exact power of 2, in order to low the collision possibility)
- multiplication: index = floor (m * (keyA - floor (keyA)) ) // m = 2^p, A = (sqrt(5)-1)/2 = 0.6180339887 from "the art of computer programming"
- djb2: in my test, the index is much larger than others
- sdbm: in my test, the index is much larger than others
- lose base
3, collision:
- chaining(linked list, self-balanced tree): search table index (O(1)), then search chaining
open addressing: search table index (O(1)), then do probe sequence
chaining = open hashing, closed addressing
open addressing = closed hashing
Open hashing is not good in high load factor (>0.7) due to clustering. Hence, the hash function must distribute the keys more uniformly over the buckets, and void clustering.
4, dynamically increase/decrease space for hash table
1, insert, search, delete
Other concepts: load factor: the number of entries / the number of buckets
SetBit, GetBit, ClearBit
Bubble sort
Selection sort
Merge sort: divide and conquer, all casAes O(NlogN)
Heap sort:
Quick sort: divide and conquer, worst case O(N^2), average/bes tO(NlgN)
Radix sort: example c++ code
Binary search
Hash table
- Start
you should consider following aspects:
- write input and output in the comments at the beginning
- clarify conditions, such as double or single linked list? ascii or unicode string? integer or float?
- define interfaces and return types of function
- ask interviewer can I write the logic idea first and write the codes later?
- ask interviewer can I write the methods first and write the main function later?
- List rules, special cases and main codes for general cases
- For general cases, consider brute force solution first
- write main function for testing: write test codes
- special cases: 0, null, negative, max, min
- always do the legally check for the input!
- do not do assumption by yoursefl
- modular coding
- String
- ASCII string (0 - 255, totally 256) or Unicode string (much much much more!)
- compare strings: check comparison is 1) case sensitive? e.g., A and a are diff or same? 2) is white space sensitive? e.g., "a " and "a" are same or diff?
- count the number of symbol in a string: a[key] or hash table[key] count method, or bit vector(only check duplicate)
bit vector:
int checker = 0
for: each key value
////if ( checker & (1 << key) > 0 )
////////// the key-th position in the bit vector checker is already 1. Therefore, this is a duplicate key, do something here
//////add the key-th position in bit vector to 1
//////checker = checker | (1<<key);
- Linked list
- Check: double vs single, head vs head+tail pointers
- Runner technique
///slow = head;
///fast = head;
///while (fast != NULL && fast->next != NULL)
///////slow = slow->next;
///////fast = fast->next->next;
////if (fast != NULL)
//////// // there are odd number of nodes in the linked list
you should familiar with both space and time complexity in worst, average, best cases. -
Stack and queue
- Move one node from stack s to stack r: r.push (s.top()); s.pop(); // because void pop ()
- Other tips
- "assume efficient space" usually means start from the end of string/vector/...
- In many cases, O(N^2) is acceptable.