ResponsiveLime is a LimeSurvey template that builds on Foundation to exchange the default table layout with a responsive grid. Furthermore it uses retina.js to handle high resolution images.
Preview of ResponsiveLime (left) and LimeSurvey’s default template (right) for a screen width of 320px (e.g., iPhone 5S). Please find more screenshots on our akquinet blog
ResponsiveLime is licensed under the GPL v3.
Download the repository
Upload the template to LimeSurvey
2.a Copy the template to limesurvey/upload/templates/
2.b Use the "Template editor" web interface to import the template as a ZIP file (As noted in LimeSurvey's documentation, keep in mind that ZIP files created on OS X include a _MACOSX folder that causes issues while uploading. You can easily clean up the ZIP file with ZipCleaner)
Go to your survey's "Survey proporties - General settings", select the tap "Presentation & navigation" and choose the Template
zip -r . -x *.git* -x *.DS_Store* uncompressed
mv ..
- Foundation 5.3.3 (normalize.css, modernizer.js)
- retina.js
- CSS for complex answer forms like two dimensional matrixes
- Foundation Interchange instead of retina.js (Currently, the jQuery version that Foundation relies on causes issues with the default JavaScripts by LimeSurvey)
- new icon set
- print CSS template