npm install -g mocha
$ docker run --name scrumbot-es -d -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 elasticsearch
$ node index
If you do not have elasticsearch running on localhost:9200, then create a "config.json" file like this:
"irc": {
"channel": "#openmrstest"
"elasticsearch": {
"host": ""
$ npm start
And see the webapp running on http://localhost:3000
$ docker run --name web -d -p 3000:3000 --link es:es -e "elasticsearch:host=http://es:9200" -e "irc:channel=#openmrstest" djazayeri/openmrs-scrumbot:1.0
Note: this approach uses LINK networking, which will eventually be deprecated in Docker.
ES for prod on a Digital Ocean one-click app Docker box (don't expose ElasticSearch to the outside world, since it isn't secured)
$ docker run -d --restart="unless-stopped" --name es -v "$PWD/esdata":/usr/share/elasticsearch/data -p elasticsearch
Whenever you commit code to this repository it is automatically built as djazayeri/openmrs-contrib-scrumbot:latest
// this is automated as ./update-web
$ docker pull djazayeri/openmrs-contrib-scrumbot:latest
$ docker rm web
$ docker run -d -p 80:3000 --name web --link es:es -e "elasticsearch:host=http://es:9200" djazayeri/openmrs-contrib-scrumbot:latest