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Yii2 extension for uploading and attaching the files to the models

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Repository files navigation

Yii2 attachments

Extension for file uploading and attaching to the models


  1. The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

    Either run

    php composer.phar require dlds/yii2-attachments "*"

    or add

    "dlds/yii2-attachments": "*"

    to the require section of your composer.json file.

  2. Apply migrations

    php yii migrate/up --migrationPath=@vendor/dlds/yii2-attachments/migrations
  3. Add module to config/main.php

    'modules' => [
    	'attachments' => [
    		'class' => dlds\attachments\Module::className(),
    		'tempPath' => '@app/uploads/temp',
    		'storePath' => '@app/uploads/store'
  4. Attach behavior to your model (be sure that your model has "id" property)

    public function behaviors()
    	return [
    		'attachmentBehavior' => [
    		'class' => \dlds\attachments\behaviors\AttachmentBehavior::className()
  5. Make sure that you have added 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data' to the ActiveForm options


  1. In the form.php of your model add file input

    <?= \kartik\file\FileInput::widget([
    	'name' => 'file[]',
    	'id' => 'file-input',
    	'options' => [
    		'multiple' => true, // false if you want to allow upload a single file
    	'pluginOptions' => [
    		'uploadUrl' => yii\helpers\Url::toRoute('/attachments/file/upload'), // remove this if you don't want to use AJAX uploading 
    		'initialPreview' => $model->isNewRecord ? [] : $model->getInitialPreview(),
    		'initialPreviewConfig' => $model->isNewRecord ? [] : $model->getInitialPreviewConfig(),
    		// other options
    ]); ?>
  2. Use widget to show all attachments of the model in the view.php

    <?= \dlds\attachments\components\AttachmentsTable::widget(['model' => $model]) ?>
  3. (Optional) Add onclick action to your submit button that uploads all files before submitting form

    <?= Html::submitButton($model->isNewRecord ? 'Create' : 'Update', [
    	'class' => $model->isNewRecord ? 'btn btn-success' : 'btn btn-primary',
    	'onclick' => "$('#file-input').fileinput('upload');"
    ]) ?>

Change log

  • Feb 2, 2015 - Fix: all attached files will be deleted with the model.
  • Feb 1, 2015 - AJAX or basic upload.
  • Jan 30, 2015 - Several previews of images and other files, fix of required packages.
  • Jan 29, 2015 - First version with basic uploading and previews.


Yii2 extension for uploading and attaching the files to the models






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