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adjusting code for the new resource model
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dmbarbour committed Jul 15, 2014
1 parent dd2a0b4 commit c440254
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Showing 7 changed files with 246 additions and 83 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ Effectful tokens are typically specific to a virtual machine or runtime environm

* `{&ann}` - annotation, identity behavior, for performance and debugging.
* `{:seal}` and `{.seal}` - sealers and unsealers for rights amplification.
* `{#abcResourceName}` - link and load, separate compilation
* `{#abcResourceToken}` - link and load, separate compilation

These are discussed with more detail in later sections.

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ao.cabal
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Expand Up @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ Library

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13 changes: 3 additions & 10 deletions doc/
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Expand Up @@ -21,19 +21,12 @@ At the moment, dynamic compilation is supported by use of an `{&compile}` annota

I am also interested in supporting 'static' compilation, per word in the dictionary. Per-word compilation can potentially mitigate exponential expansion overheads associated with AO's 'inline everything' model, and jumpstart early use of external bytecode resources.

The question I have is how to best control per-word compilation. Some possibilities:
The question I have is how to best guide per-word compilation.

* Use a prefix, e.g. `#` so `#foo` is implicitly targeted for compilation
* Define a separate preCompiledWords file or definition
* Annotate the `foo` definition for compilation
* Define `` for each `foo` that I wish to precompile
* Heuristically infer words for compilation
Use of a prefix (e.g. words starting with `#` are compiled) initially appealed to me, but with hindsight it's hard to understand why. A tight coupling between names and performance is very painful during development, when we're trying to tweak the performance. Also, it would not compose well if we tried to use the same convention to guide other aspects of implementation.

Use of a prefix initially appealed to me, but with hindsight it's hard to understand why. It seems a tight coupling between names and performance is very painful during development. Use of a separate file seems like it might be disadvantageous long-term, and is contrary to my dictionary-as-OS concept. Use of a single compilation word centralizes a lot of management, and thus requires careful administration. Annotations don't really have a well-defined scope as components, which can make them more difficult to process.
So, the guidance should be separate from the word itself. The most promising possibility is to simply define `compile!foo` for every word `foo` we wish to compile (ignoring the actual contents of `compile!foo`).

It seems to me the best option is to focus on per-word compilation, and perhaps the heuristic approach.

An interesting possibility is to automatically combine these. I could try to use a word like `` to *modify* the compilation heuristic in the particular case of `foo`.

## Multiple Compilers?

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39 changes: 0 additions & 39 deletions hsrc/ABC/Hash.hs

This file was deleted.

8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions hsrc/ABC/Imperative/JIT.hs
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Expand Up @@ -29,15 +29,15 @@ import qualified System.Environment as Env
import qualified Control.Exception as Err

import ABC.Operators
import ABC.Hash
import ABC.Resource

-- | compute a cryptographically unique module name for ABC code
-- (will always be equivalent to `hashToModuleName . abcHash`)
-- (equivalent to `hashToModuleName . tail . abcResourceToken`)
abcToModuleName :: [Op] -> String
abcToModuleName = hashToModuleName . abcHash
abcToModuleName = hashToModuleName . L.tail . abcResourceToken

-- | compute a module name from the hash of the ABC code
-- (lossy, but retains at least 320 bits for uniqueness)
-- (lossy, but retains 320 bits from 384 for uniqueness)
hashToModuleName :: String -> String
hashToModuleName s =
let (a,a') = L.splitAt 2 (fmap modChar s) in
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203 changes: 203 additions & 0 deletions hsrc/ABC/Resource.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

-- | ABC has a non-conventional approach to separate compilation and
-- linking: ABC resources are given deterministic, cryptographically
-- unique names using secure hash of the bytecode, and ABC can invoke
-- these resources by name to logically inline the bytecode.
-- To support integration with content distribution networks, ABC
-- resources are encrypted. The decryption key is the secure hash of
-- the bytecode. The full name includes both the decryption key and
-- the secure hash of the cipher text to quickly look up the resource.
-- The full ABC invocation looks like:
-- {#secureHashOfCiphertext:secureHashOfBytecode}
-- Pseudocode for resource construction:
-- given bytecode
-- encryptionKey = secureHashBC(bytecode)
-- cipherText = encrypt(compress(bytecode),encryptionKey)
-- lookupKey = secureHashCT(cipherText)
-- store(lookupKey,cipherText)
-- resourceId = lookupKey:encryptionKey
-- return resourceId
-- Pseudocode for resource acquisition:
-- given resourceId
-- extract lookupKey, encryptionKey from resourceId
-- cipherText = fetch(lookupKey)
-- validate(lookupKey == secureHashCT(cipherText))
-- bytecode = decompress(decrypt(cipherText),encryptionKey)
-- validate(encryptionKey == secureHashBC(bytecode))
-- validateABC(bytecode)
-- return bytecode
-- Separate compilation is opportunistic. We expect reuse of names,
-- so we can cache and compile the bytecode associated with a given
-- resourceId.
-- Not all details are settled. Some relatively stable decisions:
-- secureHash CT,BC: are independent halves of SHA3-384
-- base64url encoding of secure hashes in resource ID
-- AES encryption, CTR mode, nonce simple function of key
-- simple, deterministic, unambiguous compression algorithm
-- This module implements the standard resource model as far as it
-- has been implemented, stubbing the elements that haven't been
-- decided yet.
module ABC.Resource
( HashBC, HashCT
, CipherText, ResourceToken
, secureHashBC, secureHashCT
, makeResource, loadResource
, abcResourceToken
) where

import Data.Functor.Identity
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Byteable as B
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Text.Read as R
import qualified Crypto.Hash as CH
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64.URL as B64
import ABC.Operators

-- | HashCT and HashBC are 24 octet bytestrings
type HashBC = ByteString
type HashCT = ByteString

-- | encrypted, compressed bytecode
type CipherText = ByteString

-- | A resource token is the text that goes between curly braces
-- for invocation in ABC. I.e. in this case, it has the form:
-- #secureHashOfCiphertext:secureHashOfBytecode
-- with the secure hashes encoded in base64url.
type ResourceToken = String

-- | generate secure hash for a series of operations.
-- (second half of SHA3-384 on UTF-8 encoding of ABC)
secureHashBC :: [Op] -> HashBC
secureHashBC = secureHashBC' . encodeABC

-- | encode ABC as a bytestring
encodeABC :: [Op] -> ByteString
encodeABC = T.encodeUtf8 . T.pack . show

-- | decode bytestring as ABC program
decodeABC :: ByteString -> Maybe [Op]
decodeABC bcBytes =
case T.decodeUtf8' bcBytes of
Left _ -> Nothing
Right txt ->
let s = T.unpack txt in
case R.readList s of
[(ops,"")] -> Just ops
_ -> Nothing

-- generate secure hash for the bytecode from bytestring
secureHashBC' :: ByteString -> HashBC
secureHashBC' = B.drop 24 . sha3_384

-- | secure hash for the ciphertext (used as lookup key)
-- (first half of SHA3-384)
secureHashCT :: CipherText -> HashCT
secureHashCT = B.take 24 . sha3_384

-- | given a storage function and resource, create the ABC resource
-- and return deterministic, unique resource token. This token can
-- later be used with loadResource to obtain the bytecode.
makeResource :: (Monad m) => (HashCT -> CipherText -> m ()) -> [Op] -> m ResourceToken
makeResource fnStore bytecode =
let bcBytes = encodeABC bytecode in
let hashBC = secureHashBC' bcBytes in
let cipherText = encrypt hashBC (compress bcBytes) in
let hashCT = secureHashCT cipherText in
fnStore hashCT cipherText >>
let resourceId = "#" ++ toBase64 hashCT ++ ":" ++ toBase64 hashBC in
return resourceId

-- | purely compute the resource token without storing the resource
abcResourceToken :: [Op] -> ResourceToken
abcResourceToken = runIdentity . makeResource nullStore where
nullStore _hashCT _cipherText = return ()

-- | given a resource loading function, access an ABC resource via
-- token. In unlikely case of HashCT collisions, multiple candidate
-- cipher texts can be returned. The bytecode hash will provide an
-- additional uniqueness filter.
-- loadResource will validate that all hashes are matched and that
-- the bytecode can parse as ABC. It will fail if no valid resources
-- are loaded, or (very improbably!) in case of full 384-bit secure
-- hash collision.
loadResource :: (Monad m) => (HashCT -> m [CipherText]) -> ResourceToken -> m [Op]
loadResource fnLoad tok@(splitToken -> Just (hashCT,hashBC)) =
fnLoad hashCT >>= \ lLoadedTexts ->
let lMatchHashCT = L.filter ((== hashCT) . secureHashCT) lLoadedTexts in
let lbcBytes = L.nub $ fmap (decompress . decrypt hashBC) lMatchHashCT in
let lMatchHashBC = L.filter ((== hashBC) . secureHashBC') lbcBytes in
let lOps = mapMaybe decodeABC lMatchHashBC in
case lOps of
[] -> fail ("ABC resource " ++ tok ++ " not found") -- e.g. network failure
[ops] -> return ops
_ -> fail ("ABC resource " ++ tok ++ " is ambiguous") -- secure hash collision!
loadResource _ tok = fail $ "invalid resource token: " ++ tok

-- extract information from a resource token
splitToken :: ResourceToken -> Maybe (HashCT, HashBC)
splitToken ('#':rscid) =
let (rct,crbc) = L.splitAt 32 rscid in
case crbc of
(':':rbc) ->
case (fromBase64 rct, fromBase64 rbc) of
(Just hct, Just hbc) ->
-- ensure 192 bits for each hash
let okSize = (24 == B.length hct) && (24 == B.length hbc) in
if okSize then Just (hct,hbc) else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing -- not a valid token
splitToken _ = Nothing

-- the type declaration selects the hash function (yuck)
sha3_384 :: ByteString -> ByteString
sha3_384 = B.toBytes . sha3_384'

sha3_384' :: ByteString -> CH.Digest CH.SHA3_384
sha3_384' = CH.hash

toBase64 :: ByteString -> String
toBase64 = fmap toChar . B.unpack . B64.encode where
toChar = toEnum . fromIntegral

fromBase64 :: String -> Maybe ByteString
fromBase64 = e2mb . B64.decode . T.encodeUtf8 . T.pack where
e2mb = either (const Nothing) Just

-- todo: implement encryption
encrypt :: HashBC -> ByteString -> CipherText
encrypt _key = id

-- todo: implement decryption
decrypt :: HashBC -> CipherText -> ByteString
decrypt _key = id

-- todo: implement compression
compress :: ByteString -> ByteString
compress = id

-- todo: implement decompression
decompress :: ByteString -> ByteString
decompress = id

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