At times, while on the brain-meltingly treacherous path to coding mastery, we can find ourselves in need of a guide, a beacon of hope, in the endless dark spiral of Javascript google searches.
Behold that beacon, in all it’s luminescent yellow glory!
We have assembled (in a legally dissimilar manner from all known and unknown Disney intellectual properties) a quack team of expert coder ducks, with a burning desire to help you crush the hideous bugs in your code, before those bugs crush your very soul…
Plus they look pretty cute sitting on your desk.
This crazy project started as an idea for the Airbnb clone challenge as part of the Le Wagon Web Development bootcamp. The goal of that challenge was to build a Rails app for a rental business (hence the Airbnb clone) using lewagon/rails-templates (created by the Le Wagon coding bootcamp team) to jumpstart the Rails app.
The initial project was developed by these coding wizards:
After the bootcamp both David's decided to fix the remaining bugs while adding some missing functionality, and so Codequacks was born.
This project uses Ruby on Rails (plus a plethora of gems), Bootstrap and some Javascript magic.